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WHy is the console such a taboo ?


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I know playing the game once or twice ok don't use it but why don't a lot use it unless there is a bug or glitch you gotta fix ?


If you need arrows, add them.

if you want that bow, add it

want a different armour, add it.


I don't see the big deal, i even see it with Youtube "lets plays" that the console is such a restricted thing that its rare to see.

I know with fallout i used the s*** outta the console in tight situations and in Skyrim i use it in the same situations.


We have a mod category called "Cheats" but 90% can be easily done with the console, what gives ?

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Using the console can effect your achievements through Steam. It doesn't matter to me as I don't pay any attention to that, but to some people it's a big deal. I also understand that over use of the console can corrupt the game causing quests to be uncompletable.




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Using the console to cheat only robs yourself. It takes away the challenge and makes the game too easy. But if you like to play the game that way, then that is your prerogative. The game is meant to be enjoyed, and if you enjoy it that way, then play it that way.


There are legitimate uses for the console. When the game glitches out and quests break, you can often fix them. When play-testing mods that you are building, console codes can be invaluable in helping you thoroughly test things out and make sure that they are working right.

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Let me highlight some "fine prints" : using console commands is considered cheating if :


- there are rules (did anyone say a game was THAT WAY and NO OTHER ? Please, wake up...)

- it changes the game in the way it shouldn't have been


I personally use console commands because sometimes the game doesn't work like it is said to be working. You know what I'm talking about, broken quest lines, NPCs dying even if being essential, etc...


By the way, I have a character that cannot benefit from the "fear" howl because one of the quests from the companions just bugged. I had to take down an escaped criminal and Vilkas won't accept the fact that I DID take care of the said criminal. Any tips ?

Edited by aemaethcold
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I absolutely Detest the Console, everytime i see someone asks for a Mod or to fix something, the Person just throws the Console Trick in their face, i mean what are Mods for anyway if all we can use is the Console. Edited by daventry
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Its a single player game. Do what you want BUT for your own enjoyment, try giving yourself rules to play by, its very fun and extends your enjoyment of the game. I'm not talking extremist stuff like no reloads. I mean things such as no fast travelling.
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For me over-use of the console lessens my enjoyment of the game. I do use it occasionally, but try to keep that to an absolute minimum. Beating something in "god-mode" just doesn't do it for me...it's just a "meh" moment rather than feeling any sense of accomplishment. Same reason I stay away from overpowered mods...or in the case of some home mods, simply don't use those aspects that would be a little beyond what my character should have access to at any given time. Of course, I'm new to Skyrim and still on my first play-through, my attitude may change on the fifth or sixth go around. ;)


Ultimately it's a single player game, do whatever you want to enjoy it as fully as you can. No-one else really has any say in how we each choose to play.



P.s. First post on this forum...Hiyas all o/

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I have found that with certain mods, certain groups of mods and a weak computer that console use is inevitable. Things break and must be fixed if the current play-through is to continue.




Additionally, some mods that give items have quests that I may not want to do to get the item - I want it and I want it now!




Other mods place the item(s) in the test cell so you need to console yourself there or console the item into your inventory.




And of course: Purge Cell Buffer


The console is only taboo if you want it to be. If you actually care about steam achievements, you want your game to be strictly as the developers think it should be and you don't mind starting over when it breaks then you shouldn't use it. The rest of us will play the game as we want it to be.


By the way, I have a character that cannot benefit from the "fear" howl because one of the quests from the companions just bugged. I had to take down an escaped criminal and Vilkas won't accept the fact that I DID take care of the said criminal. Any tips ?


You have two options; you can reset the quest and do it over with the command resetquest CR07 or you can use player.sqs CR07 to determine which stage of the quest you are on and then use setstage CR07 [the next stage number] and repeat until you hit stage 200. This page may assist you: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Escaped_Criminal

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