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Your views on ending human life: when is it acceptable? A debate about


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As for the 'life is precious' argument, let me add this:


I consider it precious enough to protect my own and to also put my money where my mouth is when it comes to my political beliefs (i.e. being 100% anti-war, anti-death penalty, etc.) I would never actively deliberately harm another human being or condone murder (even in 'war'). Nor would I, as long as I am supporting the society I choose to be a part of, deny someone medical care or support.


However, I do not owe anyone MY life. Nor do they owe me theirs.


Once someone becomes an active burden on me and my life, then it is MY CHOICE whether I take that burden on. I am not obligated to give up any part of my life to someone else unless I CHOOSE to have a child, or CHOOSE to care for an invalid, etc. In the case of an existing burden, I have no right to actively destroy it. But I do have the right to cease to care for it and take it on.


In the case of a parastie / baby / fetus, I have the right to kill it while it relies entirely on my body for survival. (How far you carry that is open to debate. Given that most people don't remember a thing until well over a year old, I'm fairly open to that first year being fair game.)


Life in non-parasitic forms is precious in the sense I won't actively attack it or condone others destroying it, but on the flip-side I will consider any sacrifice on my side to be optional and not obligatory.


Life in heavily disabled / totally reliant on outside assistance forms I will support within society to a fair degree, but will happily condone the plug being pulled when the support has run dry and the carers no longer want the burden.

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Please don't practice thread necromancy. This topic has been long dead (and was horribly off-topic by the end.) It had been 0ver 8 months since the topic had been commented upon. No need to continue at this point. Thanks~Lisnpuppy

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