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Hi folks. Normally I am able to troubleshoot my own problems but this one has eleuded me for some time and I couldn't find any reference to it in the TES wiki. Now that I am working on a new mod this problem has cropped up again and I can't seem to find any smooth solution.


Basically when I call "resurrect 1" on a creature the creature animates standing up, the battle music starts, and the creature keeps turning to face the player but otherwise does not move or attack. The only thing that solves it as far as I can muster is to call "resurrect" again with no flag. The problem is that the creature quickly disappears and then reappears again. Not a huge thing but what's the point of being able to animate the resurrection if the creature just ends up standing in place? Even if you attack it the creature does not attack back. Since there is no mention of this in the wiki could it be some overhaul mod I have doing this like DR6 or OOO?

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I use 'resurrect 1' quite a bit myself. Mostly I use it on bandits, marauders etc. but occasionally on creatures (spriggans). I've not run into what you describe with creatures but sometimes I get the effect you talk about on bandits. On rare occasions if I leave the cell and come back later (but before the cell respawns) they'll get their AI back, and you'll find them at their normal spawn point. Most of the time the affected ones just remain brain dead until cell reset.


Frustrating when I'm trying to set up big battles between marauders, conjurers and bandits, but for me at least it's not too often.

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resurrect 1



This will make the creature EValuate Package. Basically, it kicks it's butt to get on with what it should be doing.

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I've tried evp, startcombat, toggleactorsai on/off and nothing seems to work other than calling resurrect with no flag afterwards. I wonder what exactly is being affected in the creature when resurrect 1 is called and it just stands there and doesn't fight back even when you attack it? I even used an ambush player package and boosted the creature aggression and confidence to 100 just to make sure. Nada.
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Try this:



resurrect 1




The '1' flag tells the game to 'awaken' the (exact same) creature, and is primarily used so that inventory items are not lost. Resurrect without it effectively creates a brand new copy of the creature.

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It doesn't work for me. I did note however that


1) the creature will follow me through a load door but otherwise still just stands there

2) resurrect 1 will work normally again if it has been called and the game is saved and then reloaded.


Wierd. I may just have to use the no flag option. I can't see any other way around it.

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