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Greetings from Wales


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Hello guys,


Been back here a couple of days, catching up on all the new mods Ive missed since my departure. Wow, so good to see Skyrim still being supported so well 8 years on. Today however I had issues seeing the Nexus site as my Opera browser told me it was not secure connection ? I clicked on the message and proceeded onto Nexus anyway. But that was odd ? Anyone know what that was about ?


Anyway. Hello Skyrim people !



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Ooo! Opera! That brings back memories. I enjoyed tech studies. I checked out all sorts of browsers including Opera. They of all the rest made it seem the most likely to be a fat trapper.


I recall they posted in a welcome thread that once a person had an account with Opera their account would never die and they, Seriously, suggested it was a trap we would regret one day.


I wonder if they still have my old account in their twinkling old server. I mean it when I write, "OLD server".

Have they updated Opera since 2000 oh! Whatever the year was?!


I know I took them about as seriously as the old vendors who posted their legal status the first time for anyone venturing into a forum of theirs. The old line they ended with, was, Our lawyer made us say that!. Muah wa ha ah haaa haaaaaaa.


Yup! Just like those days when Morrowind was a twinkle in the authors mind. When the Internet was all open source and we could all drop in; right in on each others computers to share or download a game patch from the one like ftp.interplay.net makers of the first Fallout game and see all their shared folders too.


We were all friends. No one was concerned about what was in our folders because they were all game stuff. Then MORROWIND arose. Born from the Arena.


Welcome! Enjoy! Try not to get too teary eyed from all the new eye candy. Or you will miss out on the fun! Heh heh heee ya!

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