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King of the hill


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Maharg67 sends an army of well trained giant ants to dig beneath AVDutch. AVDutch falls down very long hole.


Maharg67 takes back the hill but is careful about that ruddy great hole.

Edited by Maharg67
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Maharg67 uses his false teeth and retractable claws, made to be just like those of Wolverine, and manages to get to the top of the great ruddy hole. Taking Vyper by surprise, he pokes him in the 'behind' with the claws and Vyper cries out, leaps through the air and lands well away from the hill.


Maharg67 is King of the Hill.

Edited by Maharg67
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Saadus sneaks up on the hill, careful to make sure Maharg67 doesn't notice him. The moment Saadus gets behind him, he kicks his butt and watches Maharg67 slide down the hill.


Saadus now owns the hill.

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Maharg67 inflates a fake hill that looks just like the real one. Saadus gets confused, panics, and runs off to be king of the wrong hill.


Maharg67 give an evil snicker and then becomes King of the Hill once more. :ninja:

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Vyper recovers from Maharg67's surprise poke and notices the inflated fake hill. Following Mahag67's example, Vyper pokes the inflated hill causing it to "pop". The force of the "pop" launches Saadus at a speed approaching Mach 8. The supersonic missile known as Saadus slams into Maharg67, sending both of them very far away.


Vyper once more assumes kingship of the much contested hill. :ninja:

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Maharg67 climbs out of a moon crater, made by him slamming head first into the moon, takes a super duper strong anti-headache pill, and the takes a long run and leaps.


Sometime later he lands on Vyper, flattening him as flat as a pancake. Maharg67 folds up Vyper, very neatly of course, and mails him to Antarctica by tramp steamer.


Maharg67 is once more King of the Hill with only a mild throbbing headache and some light atmosphere reentry scorch marks.

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AVDutch finally climbs out of the very VERY deep hole that was dug for him and, in lieu of more elegant methods, simply pummels Maharg67 with a shovel.

Maharg67 flees down the hill, chased by AVDutch, who returns to his domain once more.


My hill now.

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Enraged, shovel bruised, with a headache and scorch marks, Maharg67 hires an Ambram battletank from Warmachines Are Us. Maharg reads his book USING AN ABRAM BATTLETANK FOR DUMMIES and soon prepares for action. He drives the mighty warmachine up the hill, blasting away with his one and only cannon shell (he ran out of money).


AVDutch is thrown into the air as the HE shell lands next to him and falls off the hill.


Maharg67 parallel parks his battletank on top of the hill. He is King of the Hill once more but he has no money, is bruised, is burned and has a mild migraine headache.

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Vyper stumbles onto an arctic base used by Cobra, joins the organization for training (in order to keep from being blown to bits by them). After going through all six minutes of basic training, Vyper elects to go through H.E.A.T. (High Explosive Anti Tank) training. After completing said training and being properly outfitted, Vyper returns to the hill and annihilates Maharg67's tank. This time, the explosion launches Maharg67 to Africa to land in a nest of puff adders.


Vyper is King of the hill once more...in the name of Cobra, of course.

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