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I'm a dirty rotten cheater.


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So, just recently re-installed Skyrim after finally picking up a copy of dawnguard. And I went through the happy process of installing a scant collection of mods to help add some much needed variety to the base game, with the full intention of playing through from start to finish fully immersing myself in the drastic world changes I had made.


In spite of this not even 2 days after installing the game i managed to cheat my way up to level 81 with a full perk tree ((Oh the shame))


not only that, but I cherry picked my favorite armor and weapons from my installed list through the use of Skyedit and gave them to myself right off the bat. So now I don't even have new loot to look forward to.


And I have to say, I'm very mad at myself right now. I had every intention of doing a legit play, but the siren call of Console Commands remains something I cannot ignore for too long.


Has anyone else experienced this problem?


I'm tempted to blame it on my poor impulse control, but you can feel free to share with the wold the great character flaws that make you unable to enjoy the game as is.

Edited by formalrevya
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Wow!...I think you just took consoling to all new levels.... :ohdear: ....I don't think I could have fun with that personally....once consoled a Crossbow at Helgen as soon has his hands were unbound and I very soon reloaded as I felt the Crossbow was too OP for Helgen and it was interfering with my fun.


I guess my great character flaw is my overly irate reaction to unwanted quests forced on my quest journal....examples being such as Brynjolf, Kill Paarthurnax and certain Daedric quests....and not being able to RP moralities or choices to the hilt....I use mods to deal with the issue, either by not allowing quests to even start or giving more options as to what choices I have.....sometimes the console....aka, setting all TG members to non-essential and unlocking the Cistern door to wipe them all out.....So yep, I would say my agitation at lack of choice in the vanilla game drives me nuts.

Edited by StayFrosty05
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Well, if you are mad at yourself, then you might try a new strategy. Otherwise, if it works for you, what difference does it make? I wonder, are you feeling upset that you "should" play without the codes, or mad that you are missing out on what might be a more fun way. Cuz if it's the should, I would just let that go.


I've only used the console in the case of a few rare bugfixes, but that is just because I am probably obsessively on the other side...I am happy spending hours (literally) collecting flora, making potions, finding ore, crafting weapons, melting weapons for more ore.....and when it comes to slaughtering I am fine playing over and over until I figure out how to survive. Frankly I find my character overpowers the game far too soon. (probably the crafting obsession, lol!) SkyRe has made the game much more fun because it suits my style--

But that is what works for me. The only thing that matters for your game is that it is enjoyable for you. So maybe you embrace the console thing. Or, if you are really wanting to try something new because you think it will make the game more fun, maybe play with a keyboard that has a broken tilde key. :whistling:


One of the nicest things about single player, is that it's only cheating if you think it is.

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...I've only used the console in the case of a few rare bugfixes, but that is just because I am probably obsessively on the other side...I am happy spending hours (literally) collecting flora, making potions, finding ore, crafting weapons, melting weapons for more ore.....and when it comes to slaughtering I am fine playing over and over until I figure out how to survive. Frankly I find my character overpowers the game far too soon. (probably the crafting obsession, lol!) SkyRe has made the game much more fun because it suits my style--




Apparently I'm Georgiegril's clone.


Anyway, you know what you should do now, since you have a complete, cheated character? Install the Uncapper, so you can't ever have a complete character* and start a new playthrough. And possibly remove your tilde first :P


*well, I suppose you could, but it would take a lot more effort, since you'd have to fiddle with .ini files too

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Wait, do you mean that mine level 2 character wearing modified Triss armor (featuring total Armor rating above 600 at that level). who somewhat managed to be master in (optional: enchanting, smithing and omnipresent speechcraft mastering) is a cheater?!


Not to mention she is able to find all kind of useful (and expensive) gadgets in every chest/urn/barrel and such... so I don't ever need to open the console, then I'm no cheater :)

Edited by nosisab
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I use it now and then, usually if I'm frustrated by a lock on a chest. Inevitably, it's a higher level lock and the chest contains crap :P Sometimes I put on god mode briefly if I'm really struggling (My computer is lower end and my reflexes aren't so good) but then I turn it back off. I don't add in tons of gold (I used to do this for Oblivion and Morrowind for clothing mods, because I always found it stupid that there would be a 10,000 dress that does nothing, not even a light armor bonus.
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There is no such thing as cheating in a single-player game that you have purchased for your own enjoyment. The only person you could possibly cheat is yourself. And that is easily fixed by ditching that game and starting a new one to play differently. Your only rule playing this game is to maximize your own entertainment. If that means using the console every 5 minutes, go for it. If you'd rather do strict role-playing and not fast travel, etc., do that. There is no moral or ethical obligation to play this game a certain way. It's a game. A toy. Just play it. Nobody is going to judge you. Well, nobody rational.
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the only time i use the console to "cheat" is when i need to for character rping reasons. like when i recreated my vampire\assassin\mage champion of cyrodiil from oblivion, or i have a character who's backstory becomes quite lame when i have to explain why s\he started the game at lvl1.
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