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Outside city or town


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In Kvatch there are people living in a camp, they wander around and you can buy from the merchants. My question is, Why are all the towns in Oblivion in separate cells? I ask because I plan to add a small town, 10 to 15 NPCs, to my main worldspace (No doors to travel through) and I am wondering if it will interfere with anything. I know that the game has limits such as the battle for Bruma where you are only allowed 15 NPC's but if it is a small town, will there be any problems?
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Do you mean like you are making a town somewhere on the tamriel worldspace? (so that it is loadless?) If so...so long as the objects of the town aren't too big, and all of the people aren't too concentrated... you should be ok.


Or did you mean you have your own worldspace and putting the town in there?

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The reason Bethesda made their cities (not towns) in a seperate worldspace was because of the texture/building sizes. They actually crammed a LOT of detail into the cities and if you download the Open Cities mod and don't have a rather good computer you can notice a significant impact on your FPS when nearing a city.


With that said, for what you're trying to do there shouldn't be a problem. Hackdirt I believe contained more than 15 NPCs in the area and that was never a problem. The small town I'm using in my own mod right now is in the same worlspace as the main island and I've yet to run into issues (I've already made/placed ALL my NPCs, I don't remember how many exactly but I think there's over fifteen or almost fifteen. I have 14 buildings and there's 1-2 NPCs per building, minus the chapel which has about five. I placed them ALL in the worldspace because I haven't done any interior work.

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The reason Bethesda made their cities (not towns) in a seperate worldspace was because of the texture/building sizes. They actually crammed a LOT of detail into the cities and if you download the Open Cities mod and don't have a rather good computer you can notice a significant impact on your FPS when nearing a city.


They weren't initially, they were open. You can see in some of the older screenshots and videos they have the cities open. As you said though they removed them to increase performance, like object shadows :confused:

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