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Your gaming quirks for Fallout 4?


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Ok, so since this really isn't as hot a section of the Nexus as some of the other areas, and most of the threads that we see are "this doesn't work" "I broke this, how do I fix it" "I want this, can you make it" and stuff like that, I thought it would be nice to just have an Off Topic thread that doesn't involve any kind of trouble shooting.

Maybe get some of the more "quiet" members active in our section of the boards.


One of mine. I spend a lot of time in character creation. Easy way to just chill out when I know I don't have enough time to really go adventuring or get drawn into a quest.

I tend to mess mostly with female toons, and sometimes save some of them as presets. I also tend to mess around and try to make toons of people that I know. Or sometimes, mess them up to make fun of people that I know. Shhhhhhhhh..... don't tell tehm!


Have you guys ever watched vanilla Nate's face when you're working on his spouse?

There's times that that his expressions just scream "Oh god! NO! Don't make me sleep next to that tonight!" Or "Oh, hey...how YOU doin'?"

Sometimes I laugh, cus vanilla nora will occasionally have an "Oh no, uh uh, not that" expression on her face.


What are some of yours?

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Ok, so since this really isn't as hot a section of the Nexus as some of the other areas, and most of the threads that we see are "this doesn't work" "I broke this, how do I fix it" "I want this, can you make it" and stuff like that, I thought it would be nice to just have an Off Topic thread that doesn't involve any kind of trouble shooting.

Maybe get some of the more "quiet" members active in our section of the boards.


One of mine. I spend a lot of time in character creation. Easy way to just chill out when I know I don't have enough time to really go adventuring or get drawn into a quest.

I tend to mess mostly with female toons, and sometimes save some of them as presets. I also tend to mess around and try to make toons of people that I know. Or sometimes, mess them up to make fun of people that I know. Shhhhhhhhh..... don't tell tehm!


Have you guys ever watched vanilla Nate's face when you're working on his spouse?

There's times that that his expressions just scream "Oh god! NO! Don't make me sleep next to that tonight!" Or "Oh, hey...how YOU doin'?"

Sometimes I laugh, cus vanilla nora will occasionally have an "Oh no, uh uh, not that" expression on her face.


What are some of yours?

I never noticed that the spouse will react to changes you make on the other. :) Interesting. I may have to start a new game, just to play wit that. :D

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Challenger- LOL I know what you mean. Waaaay back when I played Morrowind Elder Scrolls, I used to spend hours upon hours in the CK/GECK/whatever it was called back then.... building my own houses.

I do have to say this for Bethesda. The Settlement system, and the weapon/armor upgrade system was a great improvement for the fallout lineage. I do not however, understand how they could make some of the settlement areas so.... well... I'll just say it. Absolutely HORRIBLE to try to build in!

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I despise leaving anything unlooted. I also despise selling consumables, and have spent hours checking into mods and such trying to find a setup that encourages me to use consumables more(I am a sneak-sniper, so half of everything is dead before it even knows combat might happen), without it being a case of me dying within 2 seconds of active combat.

When you are carrying 30 lbs of buffout, you've got hoarding issues.

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Azworai- My room mate that was the person who got me addicted to this game was the exact same way. Could not leave anything at all behind. Literally to the point that he would have "opportunity" containers stuffed full of his stuff, all over the place, that he would have to come back for later. (this before I found a cheat for carry weight, of course). Tho, he was a "purist" who didn't like to play a modded game. So yeah... he'd do a LOT of running back and forth just go get his stuff, hahaha.

I too, am the sneaky type. I also prefer to try to take a target down, before it knows that I'm there. If my toon were a real person, their knees would have blown out months ago!

Sad part of that tho, is that sometimes, during heavy encounters, I can't find where some of the bodies fell. I actually lost the corpse of a Behemoth, because I took the shot from too far away and couldn't find the fragger afterwards. A behemoth! Can ya believe That?

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I know I could easily use a cheat or a mod to just give myself effectively infinite carry weight, but those usually feel 'too cheaty' for me, and my current character has nearly 1000 carry weight and I still tend to run within 10 lbs of over encumbrance at best. It's my bane in the game.

That said, I've never lost a behemoth body. I rarely kill them though, since I play with Super Mutant Redux, which by default makes them typically non-hostile.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So much time building... And I was so bad at it for so long, too. I went back on my first ever character, and looked at the settlements that i'd spent so much time working on. And... my god, the shacks. Hovels. And I dunno why I thought I needed to make sure there were chems and random legendaries at every individual settlement. Nowadays I just bring all the good stuff back to a single settlement hub.


I used to loot everything too. Including every single thing off of every enemy. I'd almost always be overencumbered, which was really only annoying when Survival Mode hit and I couldn't fast travel anymore. I'd bring it all back to my main settlement hub and run it through the item-sorter setup I had (using Contraptions DLC). But nowadays I don't spend any time looting. I give myself infinite materials (either by mod or duplication exploit), and actually find the game more enjoyable this way. On my modded game I had to make it so I can't see inside containers/bodies when glancing over them, though. Otherwise the temptation to loot the items inside is too great... And you might think the complete removal of resources as a factor means I have nothing to spend my caps on - but no. My character is always broke. All my caps go into Stims and Ammo. I've made them very expensive in my modded game.


But i'm not the sneaky sort. I'm the melee/flamers and no power armor sort. So I go through alot of stims and ammo pretty quickly. I don't use VATS or chems or grenades during combat either, though. I give all chems and grenades to my companion. And i've always given the best/widest variety of guns to my companion, so keeping their ammo topped off has always been pretty expensive. I mean, they can carry literally everything, so why not give them a full arsenal? If I ever have a random whim where I just gotta use a Broadsider, they've got me covered. Gotta make sure they have stims, too.


I still build alot, but mostly decoratively. Like, with alot of hidden markers on my modded game. Creating scenes and scenarios that NPCs passively play in. I've spent an awful lot of time just walking around my settlements watching the NPCs/my companion play with the scenery that i've set up. Makin' up stories, imagining what they're doing.


I usually play characters that have some kind of thing that they collect, too. For instance, my maid character would collect silverware. Silver forks, pocket watches, lockets. And just put them in a little box by the bed. Or my Handy-turned-Human would collect circuit boards and Magnets and whatnot. My Anime girl collects toys. And I usually give them one vice, too. One addiction per character.

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