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Removing Glass from windows.


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Some snappy housekit pieces have windows with glass that you can shoot through (no collision or whatever). Maybe have a look at that mod?


Depending on the NIF file (specifically, if the glass has it's own TriShape), you could probably remove the glass in NIFSkope by deleting that or those TriShape(s).

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Nifskope is really useful.


Tho you can't actually edit geometry with it and it has no idea about havok collision.


Some things good to know:


- If you select a BSTriShape, it'll highlight the node's geometry in preview window (useful for finding, for example, glass parts)

- NiNode have a Children property, for determining hierarchy/nested blocks

- Use "Remove Branch" to remove a TriShape you don't want, or you'll have numerous "stray" blocks (all the children of the deleted TriShape) that you need to delete manually

- use Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down to move blocks up/down

- The NiControllerSequences under a NiControllerManager can be played in-game from script, by using PlayGamebryoAnimation()

- Animation is governed by NiTransformInterpolator, you can manually edit animation data by going into NiTransformData->Keys, but it's not intuitive

- If the NIF can't be loaded in CK or game, try Spells|Sanitize|Reorder Blocks on it (generally use it before saving your work)

- Strings are actually found in the header, the blocks usually just have a numeric reference to them



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Depending on the NIF file (specifically, if the glass has it's own TriShape), you could probably remove the glass in NIFSkope by deleting that or those TriShape(s).



Mostly this will not work. A NIF has (most of the time) a 'baked' collision which holds all the collision data for this nif. If you delete a BSTriShape this will only remove the visible part of a NIF but it will not remove (parts of) the collision.

Anyway, you may try it but don't be disappointed if it doesn't work.

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It should work for removing the glass from the snappy housekit pieces (those where you can already shoot through the glass) is what I meant :smile: Depending on if the glass is a separate BSTriShape (didn't check), of course.


But yes. You cannot edit havok collision in NifSkope *sadly* altho you can stealexport the bhkPhysicsSystem node (under bhkNPCollisionObject) of another NIF and pasteimport that in your own NIF. :D

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