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Low FPS with "High End" Rig?Why


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Hey Guys,

It seems that I can´t get any ENB Graphics Mod able to run at stable fps.

Although i think i got a quite good gamer rig.

I get lags and fps drop even when i install the "Low-End" presets.

So i need YOUR help.


my Specs.:

Intel i5 2500 @ 3.7Ghz

16 GB Ram Corsair

AMD Sapphire Radeon HD 7870 Ghz

64 bit WIN 7

Sabertooth Z77

Play at 1920x1080


The Temp. is always Okay.

Do you think it could be the CPU? Maybe too weak?


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Unfortunately i dont know how i can upload a picture of my settings.

but in TESv Launcher i have everything on high, Fxaa Off, AA 4 , AF 12, / On CatalystControlCenter i have in default/standard.

When i first opened SkyrimLauncher it recogniced my system and sets everything on UltraHigh.



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You might set to HIGH instead of UltraHIGH, this should loosen up for the extra work ENB adds. You might also disable 4x AA and use SMAA INJECTOR, I find it very fast and nice quality alternative to the game's AA. If you chose to use smaa_injector, be sure to disable ALL antialiasing. To add SMAA, grab it from here: http://mrhaandi.blogspot.com/p/injectsmaa.html extract the d3d9.dll included in the smaa archive somewhere temporary and rename it to "smaa_d3d9.dll", then toss it and the rest of the items in the archive to same location as ENB. Then make your enbseries.ini look like this at the top:








Remember that SSAO and DOF both use resources intensely...expect lower fps if you don't adjust to compensate somewhere else (like distance fade/LOD etc)


Good luck.

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Also, depending on the textures resolutions being used it may surpass the 1GB limit in most cards (I don't know how much VRAM at yours) causing slowdown and stuttering. That's specially true if there are some other application open (like browser for instance) and background applications "stealing" part of that memory.


On a side note you can push AF to the limit of your video card with perceptible increase in graphics quality (16x is most cards) at low performance cost. Sometimes it is better than having some other demanding graphics features taxing too much the system for small or no significant improvement at all.

Edited by nosisab
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^Thank you guys.

I will try it. Btw my Amd7870 has 2Gb of Vram and it is never at full capacity. It's between 50-60%.

And i´m running on HIGH. Just said, that the TESLauncher put my Graphics on UltraHigh. And that is, what i don´t understand.

Do you think that´s possible, that my CPu is to slow?

Remember i have i2500 NonK

Don´t use Fraps ...

Playin´ on a average Samsung Monitor (Hdmi)

all other games f.e. B3 runs on Ultra very smoothly

Edited by lynch85
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I use an i5-2500k stock with a 6850 and sit at the 60fps limiter on ultra settings. With sharpshooters enb installed i hover around 30fps.


If i were you, i would use fraps to see what your fps really is. The default motion control speed settings for if you are using a controller sit right at a speed that gives the illusion of jerkyness. If you are using a controller, try changing your movment ratios too.


Skyrim is very cpu heavy as far as your fps. Its all about clock speed. Check it - http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/skyrim-performance-benchmark,3074-9.html

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yes i use a 360 controller. i´ll try change movement ratio.

i already have installed various enb mods. they´ve a build in fps display.

in that second i´ve got 50-60 frames in the next second i´ve 20-25.

i even installed a ultra-Low-Range enb.

i don´t get it

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yes i use a 360 controller. i´ll try change movement ratio.

i already have installed various enb mods. they´ve a build in fps display.

in that second i´ve got 50-60 frames in the next second i´ve 20-25.

i even installed a ultra-Low-Range enb.

i don´t get it


Mine can be like that too. The skyrim game engine is designed to be very processor heavy. It does not rely on the gpu for much of what is put on the screen. Like i showed before, its all about clock speed on your cpu. The 2500 is the god of gaming cpu's. THe problem that you have is what we all have. skyrim does not like to pre-render details that are not actually visible on the screen, and instead will try to do it in real time. An npc's face, for example, is a lot of math for the game engine to process and put on the screen because of all the variabilities. Go to and npc and spin in a circle and you will see that every time you get to having the npc's face loaded on screen the fps drops and the screen gets slightly jerky. This will happen in any areas you have lots of math for the game engine to process in real time. specifically when there are lots of npc's in the room.

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