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Can't Run SkyProc Patchers, Claims Java isn't installed.


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I may also have the wrong Java program installed. I'm downloading the Java program that SUM leads to in it's description. Also how to I edit the BAT files?


You don't have the wrong java installed.


You can edit the BAT files just like any text file, that's all a BAT file is.


Example: the ASIS BAT file says


REM If this line below fails, replace it with the location of your java 7 install.
"c:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_231\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar ASIS.jar


When I first downloaded ASIS, (written for Oldrim...) the original path was


REM If this line below fails, replace it with the location of your java 7 install.
"c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\jre\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar ASIS.jar
Just edit the path in the bat file (as shown above) and you're all set.

For some reason, people seem to want to make things more difficult than they really are.

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Okay this is weird. Outside of Vortex all of the SkyProc Patchers run just fine. It's only when Vortex tries to open it that it says Java isn't installed. Could there be an issue where Vortex can't detect my Java Platform installation?


Edit: Just figured it out, had to mess with the command line. Fun stuff.


Edit 2: Even with the command line nothing is running. I'll hit run in Vortex but it will say "Running" for a split second but nothing will appear on screen.


Final Edit: I finally got it to work! The FAQ for Vortex didn't have the command line and "start in" variables set up right in their example

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