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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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God forbid we don't want to be nagged to pay for something, right?

Sure, but the thing you're getting for free costs money for the person providing the free thing to, you know, provide said free thing. So if you have to jump through a hoop or two in order to increase the chances that people will switch to premium and keep the site running then you're still getting your free stuff for free, just 10 seconds slower per - still 100% free - mod.


Now, do I see those pages or have to wait 5 extra seconds per mod download? No. I bought lifetime premium as a way of saying thank you to a site that has hosted my mods - for free - for over a decade.



What they're doing isn't going to get people to pay for premium though, or at least, not enough to matter in the long run. Sure, they might get a single month long premium subscription from some newcomer who doesn't know the site, but. Long time users of Nexus know that premium exists, and those who are willing to spend money to help support the site don't need to be reminded of it every single time they download any file ever in order to do so. Rather, forcibly reminding us in this type of way is far more likely to drive away long time users, the very people who do contribute when they can. For example, I love Nexus, which is why I'm a supporter and not a free member, but the way they've gone about this hit me straight in my (admittedly big) FITE ME button. It makes me want to NOT pay for premium out of spite, because this is just so poorly and tastelessly done.


Well, I can safely say that I'm not new to this site, I've been here for years - I don't engage much, but to each their own - and have known about premium - maybe not about how this site defines things like "ad-free" or "lifetime" etc (I use an ad-blocker - I'm free from ads already - and in the current climate of the usage of terms being slightly more askew from my younger days - it was bad enough then - I typically have trust issues with these sorts of things) - but the fact remains for me that I've used this site for years and haven't paid a dime toward it.


So, Nexus, I must admit I've taken you for granted, and I shouldn't have... sorry about that. There have been many times when I've been on this site and thought about spending money on a membership, but one expense or another took precedence. I know this to be the case for many users here. The fact is, some folk, in different corners of the world, just can't afford an extra buck these days, let alone two - especially toward entertainment. For them, I don't blame them for being annoyed or even upset by this recent change. Those realities exist - but, that is not my excuse... have I already stated that I'm simply a cheap bast*rd? I don't typically spend money on games that have recently released - I find that these days most are unfinished, or at worst broken or simply too full of extra purchases, which further divides their gaming communities and makes them far less relaxing and fun for me. I'll wait for reviews, updates, and a sale before I buy, sometimes waiting a year or two before purchasing. That is what I choose to do as a consumer. Once and a great while I'll break that habit and buy newly released, but I have to trust that the product will be a sound buy. I know the Nexus is a sound site, and I suppose I could break off a chunk of dough to support the wonderful work that goes on here. It's the least I can do, in my current situation, to give back to this site that has given me countless hours of entertainment over a span of years. And, considering the price for membership is as cheap as I am, there is a more than good chance that I will make the purchase.


My only true concern is whether this site defines a lifetime membership purchase as a pay us once and for a lifetime you're a member in good standing, or is it a lifetime of membership that renews every two years at which time you're charged this fee - or whatever fee changes come down the pike - all over again. If a premium member could answer this question for me, my penny pinching fingers would be grateful... they're starting to hurt. Either way the price tag is more than fair, I simply like to have these sorts of things clarified, especially where money is concerned.

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My only true concern is whether this site defines a lifetime membership purchase as a pay us once and for a lifetime you're a member in good standing, or is it a lifetime of membership that renews every two years at which time you're charged this fee - or whatever fee changes come down the pike - all over again. If a premium member could answer this question for me, my penny pinching fingers would be grateful... they're starting to hurt. Either way the price tag is more than fair, I simply like to have these sorts of things clarified, especially where money is concerned.

Lifetime means just that - the life of the Nexus Mods account. I paid for lifetime premium once and I will never have to pay for it again.
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All of this is taking away the convenience the site used to be. Premium users can say whatever they say cause they're paying right? Well let us have our opinion. When is people scraping off nexus? I would love to know more if there's a case something like that or software that scrap off nexus. And why there's no announcement of this change? Why hiding the fact they changing the site without a news? Nexus filled with non premium mod author as well so I guess they're not count as contributor to the site right? They're just freeloader to the site and just eating the bandwidth.

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When is people scraping off nexus? I would love to know more if there's a case something like that or software that scrap off nexus.

There are several examples I can think of right off the top of my head where someone was scraping mods from the Nexus and got banned for doing so (here and here are two recent examples). And obviously there are tons of generalized applications that will scrape mods from websites, including Nexus Mods.

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My only true concern is whether this site defines a lifetime membership purchase as a pay us once and for a lifetime you're a member in good standing, or is it a lifetime of membership that renews every two years at which time you're charged this fee - or whatever fee changes come down the pike - all over again. If a premium member could answer this question for me, my penny pinching fingers would be grateful... they're starting to hurt. Either way the price tag is more than fair, I simply like to have these sorts of things clarified, especially where money is concerned.

Lifetime means just that - the life of the Nexus Mods account. I paid for lifetime premium once and I will never have to pay for it again.


Thank you, Reneer, for clearing that up for me, and also for your mods. I think it's high time I paid my dues... just got to dust the cobwebs off my coin pouch.

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My only true concern is whether this site defines a lifetime membership purchase as a pay us once and for a lifetime you're a member in good standing, or is it a lifetime of membership that renews every two years at which time you're charged this fee - or whatever fee changes come down the pike - all over again. If a premium member could answer this question for me, my penny pinching fingers would be grateful... they're starting to hurt. Either way the price tag is more than fair, I simply like to have these sorts of things clarified, especially where money is concerned.

Lifetime means just that - the life of the Nexus Mods account. I paid for lifetime premium once and I will never have to pay for it again.


Thank you, Reneer, for clearing that up for me, and also for your mods. I think it's high time I paid my dues... just got to dust the cobwebs off my coin pouch.



There's also the option of paying just $2 to get rid of the ads for good.


I'd be a liar if I said I couldn't afford to pay $2, but can pay $74.99/mo for the internet connection that I'm using to connect to the site I claim I don't have $2 to pay to stop seeing the ads.

(Not directed at you BTW)


FWIW, I bought the one-time Lifetime thing 11 years ago, and it's been worth it, it's cheaper in the long run.

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Hey there, my obligatory qualifier is I've been using this site for 11 years(wasn't Oblivion just the best?), and had a user profile for nearly the last 10(one month to go). I never really had money to spend for most of that time and had to pinch pennies a lot. However, around 2016 that changed, and I believe in late 2017 I remembered that I had this magical thing called "disposable income", and finally payed back with a purchase of lifetime premium. You know, seeing as this site literally enabled me to turn great games into amazing games, and pull thousands of extra hours into otherwise dead titles.


I'm certain a lot of people have similar reasons for paying this site's facilitation costs, and I could sit here and say things that have already been said by about... 5 or 6 pages worth of other people. And I'm not gonna rehash how this is worse than a lot of other file hosting websites with no other purpose, or how if the site were like this back in 2012, I'd have eventually left and never paid them a dime. It's not like having advertisement models like this allowed RapidShare(which went out of business) or 4Shared to have actual live communities around them. I'm not going to waste people's time with that. Especially since I guarantee someone affiliated with ownership here is reading basically all of this, and my message is very much so, to them, primarily. No, I'm going to very briefly explain how a site with a massive thriving community has dun shucked up pretty bad with this move. (If it isn't clear, most of the "you"s in the next paragraph are to The Nexus) Oh and very clear warning, this is going to be pretty brash. I'm sorry but I can't help but inject how I feel into how I type.


See, everyone who has paid for premium, supporter, what have you, has done so mainly for one specific reason. Appreciation. People have helped to make your site a success, and paid you, out of appreciation for what this site has done for them. Sure, there MIGHT be a small percentage of people who paid for premium for faster downloads due to irritation, and probably a fair amount of people who paid 2 bucks for ads to be gone. Which is, nothing really. But I'm willing to put money on, and yes more than 2 dollars, the idea that at least 85% of paid users here, did it because of a positive feeling of thankfulness. This move is a major shuck up because you've now flipped the equation. You're no longer seeking compensation through appreciation, which I might add, has a few more other methods you could have used to gain more money, instead, you are now seeking that compensation via trying to annoy your users with click s*** walls and timers. With this, you're no longer working with what you provide and a users thankfulness. You're now trying to wear them down into spending, using negativity, not positivity. Sure, that might make money in the short term, but it'll definitely damage the community because it abruptly changes the Host/Client relationship. It's been converted from "If you like what we've done, maybe help us out!", to "If you want faster downloads and us to stop wasting your finite existence on this planet, pay us." Whether or not this was the intention, you're now annoying someone into paying as opposed to acquiring it strictly from providing a top notch service. How very Capitalistic of you.


Honestly that's all I really have to say. The Nexus has decided it'd rather be like any other generic file hosting site, and nothing more. There were other ways, as I am quite certain other users before me have said, but for whatever reason, they went with this. I cannot fathom how site management could doubt it's user-base so much to think that this was the only way. There is always time for The Nexus to revert this, but they can never undo that they did in fact, go through with this. I'm honestly disappointed, and I feel sorry towards The Nexus for doing this.


As a side note, I was convinced that the only way The Nexus could have decided this, was if they had been acquired by a larger company. This is not the case. They decided this.

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My only true concern is whether this site defines a lifetime membership purchase as a pay us once and for a lifetime you're a member in good standing, or is it a lifetime of membership that renews every two years at which time you're charged this fee - or whatever fee changes come down the pike - all over again. If a premium member could answer this question for me, my penny pinching fingers would be grateful... they're starting to hurt. Either way the price tag is more than fair, I simply like to have these sorts of things clarified, especially where money is concerned.

Lifetime means just that - the life of the Nexus Mods account. I paid for lifetime premium once and I will never have to pay for it again.


Thank you, Reneer, for clearing that up for me, and also for your mods. I think it's high time I paid my dues... just got to dust the cobwebs off my coin pouch.



There's also the option of paying just $2 to get rid of the ads for good.'t


I'd be a liar if I said I couldn't afford to pay $2, but can pay $74.99/mo for the internet connection that I'm using to connect to the site I claim I don't have $2 to pay to stop seeing the ads.

(Not directed at you BTW)


FWIW, I bought the one-time Lifetime thing 11 years ago, and it's been worth it, it's cheaper in the long run.


It certainly is the better deal. I've felt like I owe something to this site for awhile. So much content, freely managed, and offered up to the community. I can't give them too much guff for reminding us that they have bills too, even if I didn't really appreciate how they chose to do so. Even if this site shuts down tomorrow (I'm sure they won't) I wouldn't regret finally paying for a service I've enjoyed for years, and hopefully for years to come. Thanks Nexus and modding folks!


Now, onto to beer and mutton.

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When is people scraping off nexus? I would love to know more if there's a case something like that or software that scrap off nexus.

There are several examples I can think of right off the top of my head where someone was scraping mods from the Nexus and got banned for doing so (here and here are two recent examples). And obviously there are tons of generalized applications that will scrape mods from websites, including Nexus Mods.



From reading this discussion, it occurs to me that the development team may have needed to insert some additional user clicks for security and scraping reasons, and instead of simply prompting users to click again to start the download, used that as an opportunity to suggest membership options.


In any case, after using this site for a number of years, I finally bit on the lifetime membership just last spring. It's roughly the cost of a single game (at release)... and a whole lot cheaper than a rig capable of running modern modded games.


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