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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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Look. I would like to point out something pretty simple. They are trying to sell a product. A Premium subscription. That turns this into a business and consumer relationship.


However this is currently not a healthy business consumer relationship. A healthy one usually involves the business creating an interesting, or useful, or fun product for the consumer to buy. They entice the consumer by making that product all or one of those things. That is how this relationship should work. I should want to buy premium for something that increases the value of my experience on your website.


As it is now, what you are trying to do is run a business model where people will have to pay to make an already existing product not suck. As far as I'm aware, as a consumer it would be entirely prudent of me to not buy a product that sucked.

Not for me to pay to make a product not suck. That's not how this business to consumer relationship works. So everyone that is complaining, are complaining fairly as consumers, and I think any one who has premium who is saying otherwise might just be operating under a sunk cost fallacy.


On the other side of things, if they wanted to lock everything up under a pay model where everyone had to pay for access to the site and it's servers, then believe it or not that would be offering a product that consumers may in fact buy. However then you run into legality problems with the whole is a mod legal for someone to sell. That's a can of worms we may not want to open in this day and age.

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anyone else notice that the only people defending the terrible UI change are the people who don't have to deal with it?



Anybody else notice the only people complaining about it are people who want everything for free without some minor inconvenience?


I mean, the reason some people don't have to deal with it, is because they decided to support the site.


Crazy how that works huh?

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Actually, come to think of it...completely setting aside how bad the graphics and site design is, how it's a pointless extra annoyance, and how it makes the site look like MEGAUPLOAD and other highly shady probably-doing-something-illegal-on-the-side filesharing sites instead of its old trustworthy-looking design...



A lifetime membership is something like $60 US. (Exact price depends on payment method.)

If a premium member uses up more than $60 of bandwidth on the site, ever, they have cost more than you got from them. And one of the major selling points Nexus is using for going premium is something that was a free feature three days ago.



And you can't turn off images: waste of bandwidth. Lots of extra pages for free users: More bandwidth.


You'd constantly need evermore premium users, all using less than $60 lifetime bandwidth on this site ever. Less, if free users didn't pay for themselves with ads and donation points. Since ads on this site have been shady before and there is no indication they've been fixed since, users have no reason to believe it's safe to turn off adblocker and the "plz pay us $2" thing comes across not as "please support us" and more "if you pay us money we will stop trying to guilt-trip you for not endangering your computer".


Even if you assume everyone pays their $2 "don't show content that is reasonably likely to be malicious" fee, you're still assuming that they either use less than or equal to $2 of bandwidth ever, or that your premium memberships can cover it. And the images alone probably eat that $60 up real quick, so you'd need to constantly get more and more and more premium users like some kind of multi-level-marketing scam just to cover the costs of the other premium users.



Alternatively you could use an Archive of Our Own or Wikipedia style donation drive thing and not need a constant stream of premium users, especially if you reduce bandwidth costs by letting us have options to see less images if we wanted to. (Do not lock these behind a paywall, some mods are just reskins.)


Hell, if you have ads that are actually safe to view, let us report ads that slip through your curation, and make it clear that the ads have actually been curated at all rather than being a pile of malware and violations of website design, people will actually turn their adblockers off and you'd probably get more money in the long term from the ads than you got from the occasional $2 basically-protection-money from people who don't have adblockers.

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My 2 cents: Ruining the one-click download process (or two if there are required mod notifications) to add this "upgrade to premium!" thing makes this site feel like one of those less regulated file sharing websites trying to milk every penny they can out of anyone using the service. Not a good look. ATM I'm still dependent on Nexus for my mods, but please don't make me want to start looking elsewhere.

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So far we've learned that...


1. People can afford to pay for an internet connection on a monthly basis


2. People can afford to pay for all of the $60 - $70 dollar games they want to mod


3. Those same People somehow cannot afford to pay $2 to stop seeing ads FOREVER, or cannot afford a premium membership, or cannot afford a one-time lifetime fee of $75, but want to dictate how the site they're using for free should accommodate them for free.



Complete definition of Entitlement right there.




Just because you can afford A and B does not mean you can afford C. A game is my entire "fun" budget for a month, for example, and after doing some budgeting, it's actually a fun budget for more than a month.


Some people, for example, might only have 30 spare dollars a month after bills. That's just the first-level analysis of the problems with that statement, ignoring a larger issue.




Oi, mate, as a Premium user, get your head out of your rear end. Just because you dropped a lump sum on this site does not permit you to be on a high horse.



Again, stressing this, AS A PREMIUM USER, what they're doing to non-premium users is pretty bad. I bought Premium because I respected the site, because I've used it for a long time and they didn't have any of this "HEY BUY PREMIUM" waving in my face.


If I knew that, a few months later, they were going to force non-premium users to wait and make it more obnoxious, I would've never given them my money in the first place.



What exactly is so terrible?


As it has been explained NUMEROUS times now, (that people keep ignoring) the countdown is to prevent people from SCRAPING THE SITE.

I.E. downloading ALL THE MODS, and posting them elsewhere


If you read the Forum Warnings, Bans section, you'd see that it is a problem.


I'm not entirely sure a 5-second countdown stops scrapper bots. :thinking:


In any case, the problem here can be seen as two fold- making an appeal that one should support the site as a matter of morality ignores the fact that people may not view things the way you do, and the second issue is that people may not agree that they received 50 of value from the site. The costs of the site are irrelevant when customers make a purchasing decision - they look at their value.


.. And that ignores the fact you may not wish for people to be making purely transactional decisions when they use a community website.


(Also: Also why do you want to look and act like RapidGator?!)

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