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Imperial BlackOps Mod


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Not bad! I think that unlike the dark brotherhood armor, the new armor should have a bounty or something similar. it should make it so that the imperial legion don't like or trust you. That would prevent the player from wearing it all the time. The armor should increase the players stealth abilities as well.


I thought this was going to be legal, as in under the government. If so, why would you have a bounty? It doesn'tmake much sense to me. :confused:

Anyway, on the subject of names, what about "Operation Horseshoe".

This forum has given me fits today, I had a lot of trouble logging in but hopefully it's fixed now. anyway


Wasder, to answer your question all you need to do is to look at Internal Affairs in the police department. If the player is going to be investigating imperial legion officers and soldiers, I don't think they would be very friendly toward them. That is why I suggested a "Bounty" not so that the player would get arrested but so that the legion would think less of them.

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There might be a way..once the player is n this faction..to make the Imperial faction dislike them..make their disposition fall to like 20. They wont attack them but dont like them?

I need to read up.

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There might be a way..once the player is n this faction..to make the Imperial faction dislike them..make their disposition fall to like 20. They wont attack them but dont like them?

I need to read up.


That could be easily done in the CS but I think it should be scripted into the armor so that there would be no effect when not wearing it

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I just wonder..if this is secret..why you will wear your armor around town anyway?

I must think

The question should be why not? When I first got the DB armor I never took it off, it's my favorite armor. I always thought that it was odd that I could run around in special assassin armor given to me by a group of known assassins and none of the guards said anything. Putting a "Bounty" on the armor wold tell the player to remove it before entering a town much like the mask of Nocturnal. I think maybe the armor should be one of the bonuses that you get as you move up in rank. We could keep the stealth missions at the beginning of the quest and the assassination missions after the player reaches a certain rank and earns the armor, If we did that we wouldn't need any bounty on the armor. The play could spend the first half of the quest gathering information and the second half taking out the trash.

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Okay, deep plot - anybody here besides me see La Femme Nikita (or it's poor american remake Point Of No Return)?


We need at least one quest where the agent is considered expendable, and the Agency doesn't expect them to survive... and dealing with the repercussions of that.


EDIT: Example being a hit in broad daylight in the lobby of the Tiber Septim Hotel, or something similar.

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And maybe add in a boss or mini-boss in one of the missions?

So far what I'm thinkin' is that your boss is secretly taken away (yet you of course don't know because you never meet him/her in person...) by a mythic dawn agent. The agent turns out to be a high ranking spy/assassin. afterwords all the outposts are set aflame... and you are told to meet the boss ALONE. Then once you are to the specified location (Authors choice...) you see a large structure with an oblivion gate blocking the entrance (I'm suggesting it be like a fortress in a way...). Then you fight your way through to the top of the tower (oops! forgot to specify the "structure" is a sigil tower) Once at the top the mythic dawn agent was waiting for you... you enter the room and he starts to grow to a tremendous size! (of course raise the ceiling a little and make the cell larger so he will fit in the room ;) ) then the fight begins!


-sword clanging- -sensless violence- -screams of horror- -How dare you hit me you treacherous little pilcher!!!- -daedra come pouring out the walls- -stop! you've violated the... ugh!- -by azura by azura by azura! its the grand champion!-( yeah, most of that was for laughs :D except that daedra part...)

Then, to shrink him down you have to take the Sigil stone on the little platform... he should shrink back to regular size. From then on it's just him running around the room and casting spells at the pc...


After he lies dead... (along with the adoring fan and random guard :P ) you run out of the chamber and meet your boss (who thanks you for your duties and asks for you to lead the way out) but, the place starts crumbling down on you, so you must hurry to the entrance. Once out you chat with him/her about what the agent did to him... what he was after... -more praise to the pc-

then walk out as if nothing had happened... but it isn't over yet... or is it?


Does this sound hard to make?



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oops. nvrmind... so about that uniform idea... i was looking at special ops when this popped up. I wonder what kind of equipment/standard these people would be trained/equipped with once they initially joined in.



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oops. nvrmind... so about that uniform idea... i was looking at special ops when this popped up. I wonder what kind of equipment/standard these people would be trained/equipped with once they initially joined in.




and I'm going to draw out a version of what i am trying to "mix" the ideas... i guess for better clarity.

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