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Imperial BlackOps Mod


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And maybe add in a boss or mini-boss in one of the missions?



I was thinking of something a bit grittier. Here's the scene I was talking about.

SETUP: Nikita is a former drug-user/street punk who's been scheduled for execution for killing a police officer in a pharmacy robbery that went sour. A top-secret government agency has offered her a final chance to survive if she will consent to be trained as an assassin for them. After nearly a year of living underground in their base, her handler announces she's made good progress in her studies, and offers her a night out as a reward. Get dressed up, go to a posh restaurant, etc.


At the restaurant he presents her with a gift box which she is excited to open until she sees the contents; a high-calibre handgun with two magazines of teflon-coated bullets. This isn't a date, this isn't a reward, this is her first mission. He quickly briefs her on the target (seated at a table behind him), describes an escape route through a small window in the ladies' washroom, asks her to please wait for him to leave before she starts shooting, and he departs.


Watch the clip, and you'll understand what I mean about 'agent expendable'.

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as a background story line that will tie in with the main story line


Take Rome's most famous case of espionage and intrigue culminated in the assassination of Julius Caesar. The exact details of the assassination conspiracy remain a mystery much like the assassination of Emperor Ural Septim. They have founded historical records that prove established that the Roman intelligence community knew of the plot and even provided information to Caesar or his assistants providing the names of several conspirators. The information from the intelligence community was ignored.


This intelligence community of the black horse, told members of the legion and blades of the plot. To there dismay it was ignored, and the outcome was the death of the Empires beloved emperor. For a mission, you as player will hunt down mythic dawn members within ranks of council and the legion. In oblivion, that never happens the finger is never point there. I am asking why? It would be the first place to look if any leader during 800-1500 was assassinated the next governing body was always put under question.


Next question

Should the Legion itself have counter intelligence community? yes, I think they should it would give the player more realism. To look on a rouge officer, you might have to wheel and deal with this group. You might have to do mission for them, before they give you the information you need. Just like this group they are there in the shadow, black horse may not know the extent of there power. That right there is mission to find out find on the counter to the black horse what ever you might call the community.


Does Black horse, stand for people of empire or they are much like the Legion, they stand for the empire and its governing body. That simple look, might effect how mission are handle. instead of being just good or evil, neither of these choice are that. It is up the player, to view it as good evil or neither. ( that might a little to complex to try) that every action change the out come of this mod....

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Some of these ideas sound interesting..however I have questions (Human..I didnt watch the movie but I was shamefully addicted to the cheesy show)


1-how do you present all this background information? How much do average players wish to hear people yammer at them and/or read background stuff. So tell me how to present this stuff in a very small way.


2- I WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MAIN QUEST PER SE. It will be to easy too screw it up...and honestly I dont play the main quest anymore. (I actually have a save game with it finished so I dont have to work it anymore if I dont want to) I actually have come to hate it. Now obviously the story ties in..but as far as any interaction with the main quest itself or characters in the main quest....sorry! Not gonna happen.


3-armor--I am planning to use the star wars with some modifications. I also wish to include a belt and goggles with nite eye (the Dwemer Goggles to be exact) remember I want this to look "Oblivion-y"

As far as when you get the armor. Not unlike the DB armor there will be enchantments that will help the player..and you should have armor for your job. So you will get the set toward the beginning. However at the end of the quests...you will get anohter set..it will look the same but have much different enchantment and no bad enchantments. I plan to put (and I am still debating about the bounty thing..quest will take place in cities, maybe castles...I think it would be a hinderance to the extreme) but it will have enchantments which harm your personality and speechcraft..and I mean really harm it.


Obviously with some of the things we are discussing OBSE will be necessary.


As far as this mods quicckness in being made...well I am assuming that Examinis and I will be working on this all alone...and the fewer of us the longer it will take. AS I said I do have a learning curve.


So again if you or anyone you know can help...even if it is teaching me HOW to do something if you dont have time to help exactly..that would be good also!!

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Some of these ideas sound interesting..however I have questions (Human..I didnt watch the movie but I was shamefully addicted to the cheesy show)


1-how do you present all this background information? How much do average players wish to hear people yammer at them and/or read background stuff. So tell me how to present this stuff in a very small way.


2- I WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MAIN QUEST PER SE. It will be to easy too screw it up...and honestly I dont play the main quest anymore. (I actually have a save game with it finished so I dont have to work it anymore if I dont want to) I actually have come to hate it. Now obviously the story ties in..but as far as any interaction with the main quest itself or characters in the main quest....sorry! Not gonna happen.


3-armor--I am planning to use the star wars with some modifications. I also wish to include a belt and goggles with nite eye (the Dwemer Goggles to be exact) remember I want this to look "Oblivion-y"

As far as when you get the armor. Not unlike the DB armor there will be enchantments that will help the player..and you should have armor for your job. So you will get the set toward the beginning. However at the end of the quests...you will get anohter set..it will look the same but have much different enchantment and no bad enchantments. I plan to put (and I am still debating about the bounty thing..quest will take place in cities, maybe castles...I think it would be a hinderance to the extreme) but it will have enchantments which harm your personality and speechcraft..and I mean really harm it.


Obviously with some of the things we are discussing OBSE will be necessary.


As far as this mods quicckness in being made...well I am assuming that Examinis and I will be working on this all alone...and the fewer of us the longer it will take. AS I said I do have a learning curve.


So again if you or anyone you know can help...even if it is teaching me HOW to do something if you dont have time to help exactly..that would be good also!!


how much more can I teach you?.......lol, I'll help where I can,you know that...but......

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Some of these ideas sound interesting..however I have questions (Human..I didnt watch the movie but I was shamefully addicted to the cheesy show)


1-how do you present all this background information? How much do average players wish to hear people yammer at them and/or read background stuff. So tell me how to present this stuff in a very small way.


<snip for space>


Obviously with some of the things we are discussing OBSE will be necessary.


As far as this mods quicckness in being made...well I am assuming that Examinis and I will be working on this all alone...and the fewer of us the longer it will take. AS I said I do have a learning curve.


So again if you or anyone you know can help...even if it is teaching me HOW to do something if you dont have time to help exactly..that would be good also!!

You really should check out the movie (the French original, not Point...Return). I never watched the series; after having seen the original movie, I knew I'd be horribly disappointed by the TV treatment.


Why not use Nikita's format? PC kills a member of the Legion, gets arrested or beaten down, wakes up in prison to the 'offer they can't refuse'. Would require some modification of two scripts; the script that starts the DB questline (so that if the PC's first murder is a Legion trooper, it starts THIS mod, not DB), and the script for completion of Permanent Retirement (after knocking off Adamus Phillida, again starts this questline).


That seem do-able?

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Some of these ideas sound interesting..however I have questions (Human..I didnt watch the movie but I was shamefully addicted to the cheesy show)


1-how do you present all this background information? How much do average players wish to hear people yammer at them and/or read background stuff. So tell me how to present this stuff in a very small way.


<snip for space>


Obviously with some of the things we are discussing OBSE will be necessary.


As far as this mods quicckness in being made...well I am assuming that Examinis and I will be working on this all alone...and the fewer of us the longer it will take. AS I said I do have a learning curve.


So again if you or anyone you know can help...even if it is teaching me HOW to do something if you dont have time to help exactly..that would be good also!!

You really should check out the movie (the French original, not Point...Return). I never watched the series; after having seen the original movie, I knew I'd be horribly disappointed by the TV treatment.


Why not use Nikita's format? PC kills a member of the Legion, gets arrested or beaten down, wakes up in prison to the 'offer they can't refuse'. Would require some modification of two scripts; the script that starts the DB questline (so that if the PC's first murder is a Legion trooper, it starts THIS mod, not DB), and the script for completion of Permanent Retirement (after knocking off Adamus Phillida, again starts this questline).


That seem do-able?


I am sure it is...but honestly I just havent done enough of this to know HOW for sure to do it. I like the idea but I am so worried about touching anything vanilla.


I have all these ideas but I need to narrow it down. I want to make this interesting..but at the same time keep it simple...as the more simple it is the faster it goes. It seems to be a delecate balance.

And right now my Oblivion is on the fritz. Stoopid me had issues and forgot to export my load order before I decided to reset my mods...now I cant get Oblivion to run.



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As you know, I've already built the first "test" fort but the mod seems to be moving away from investigating imperial outposts to investigating the main cities. I am assuming that the black horse offices are still in the plan and that they will need hidden barracks and underground escape routs. I am busy with my own mods but have managed to work on some of the caves. I've discontinued building forts since I don't know if they will be needed. I think we need to move past the discussion of ideas stage and work on the storyline. We need a basis for the story so that construction can get underway. Will the black horse offices be inside or outside of the cities? Will the escape routs lead to both inside and out of the cities? If we use the IC black horse basement then the escape routs are already in the game through the sewers but in other cities? I am thinking that a post would be needed in the outer regions, Layawiin, Cheydenhal and maybe there was a post in Kvatch before the attack that has managed to survive, giving access to both Anvil and Skingrad. I think the Kvatch office would have had to be outside of the city in order to have survived. We need a basic outline to go by and we should PM it to only the people actually working on the project. Well, I guess that wouldn't take long considering it's just you and I, Lisnpuppy.
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How is the sig gathering info coming along?


Also if there is any I can help with the mod I will be happy to!

My mod skills are limited but I can do things.

I can retexture weapons (Still working on Armor retextures), I can do some quests, new buildings and to a certain extent scripting.

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So that I don't come off as sounding ungrateful, Thank you to everyone who has posted ideas on this thread and to all those who researched history, the game and the mod resources for information that will be useful to this mod.
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So that I don't come off as sounding ungrateful, Thank you to everyone who has posted ideas on this thread and to all those who researched history, the game and the mod resources for information that will be useful to this mod.


Ditto from me also.


Gamerbird...I will definately be asking for further help from you!!


Examinis..I have gotten a tenative outline of the first bit of the quest that I am typing up for you.


No there will still be multiple legion outpost being investigated. However I plan to have investigation and clues also in town and cities...sneaking in and out of castles seems like a fun thing to do also.


Yes Black Horse basement as main headquarters. 3 main placements of BH sited close to stables of 3 cities (you can pick if you like) then some 2-3 scattered and very small underground safehouses. There is the MOE mod that puts a vanpire hideout with like a trap door think in the ground....something like that.


Anyway...I will PM you with more details and the link to my typing today sometime. I am currently having a fight with my Oblivion game and am having to reinstall...also I have the flu so I am not loving life at present.



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