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Imperial BlackOps Mod


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Some of these ideas sound interesting..however I have questions (Human..I didnt watch the movie but I was shamefully addicted to the cheesy show)


1-how do you present all this background information? How much do average players wish to hear people yammer at them and/or read background stuff. So tell me how to present this stuff in a very small way.


2- I WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MAIN QUEST PER SE. It will be to easy too screw it up...and honestly I dont play the main quest anymore. (I actually have a save game with it finished so I dont have to work it anymore if I dont want to) I actually have come to hate it. Now obviously the story ties in..but as far as any interaction with the main quest itself or characters in the main quest....sorry! Not gonna happen.


3-armor--I am planning to use the star wars with some modifications. I also wish to include a belt and goggles with nite eye (the Dwemer Goggles to be exact) remember I want this to look "Oblivion-y"

As far as when you get the armor. Not unlike the DB armor there will be enchantments that will help the player..and you should have armor for your job. So you will get the set toward the beginning. However at the end of the quests...you will get anohter set..it will look the same but have much different enchantment and no bad enchantments. I plan to put (and I am still debating about the bounty thing..quest will take place in cities, maybe castles...I think it would be a hinderance to the extreme) but it will have enchantments which harm your personality and speechcraft..and I mean really harm it.


Obviously with some of the things we are discussing OBSE will be necessary.


As far as this mods quicckness in being made...well I am assuming that Examinis and I will be working on this all alone...and the fewer of us the longer it will take. AS I said I do have a learning curve.


So again if you or anyone you know can help...even if it is teaching me HOW to do something if you dont have time to help exactly..that would be good also!!


Recruitment/background what ever it is a start :huh:

The Black horse is the unknown force, in empire for the past 500 years we have been a silent protector. From enemies at home to enemies at our very gates. We are mostly made up of merchant, retried legionaries and guards that have undying loyalty to empire. Last of the true patriots, we would give all for its protection. Recent events out of our control, has cause the death of our beloved emperor. Giving all wasn't enough, ( build on, used it, throw it away...) ;D


Maybe a background was the wrong term to use for that. a starting point for a mission, to gain approval of this community.


Who said anything about the main quest? Mythic dawn doesn't mean, absolute main quest. If you are trying to keeping the mod oblivionish. This black ops community in some way is government financed one way or another. They serve someone interest they many not know it, but they do. With the death of Emperor fresh in every ones mind, doing a mission that roots out a rouge council member, that might had his hand into the mix. The player is Black Ops he or she does serve the interest of the Empire. That is just big interest to look over, has nothing to do with main quest. Yes, it might run parallel to main quest, linked just enough to build off of and take it any where you want to. Keeping it still oblivionish, just that starting point is all. It might as well be a way how player could prove his or her loyalty to the community. ( I am thinking in logical terms, but this is a fantasy game so that means little or nothing)

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Some of these ideas sound interesting..however I have questions (Human..I didnt watch the movie but I was shamefully addicted to the cheesy show)


1-how do you present all this background information? How much do average players wish to hear people yammer at them and/or read background stuff. So tell me how to present this stuff in a very small way.


2- I WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MAIN QUEST PER SE. It will be to easy too screw it up...and honestly I dont play the main quest anymore. (I actually have a save game with it finished so I dont have to work it anymore if I dont want to) I actually have come to hate it. Now obviously the story ties in..but as far as any interaction with the main quest itself or characters in the main quest....sorry! Not gonna happen.


3-armor--I am planning to use the star wars with some modifications. I also wish to include a belt and goggles with nite eye (the Dwemer Goggles to be exact) remember I want this to look "Oblivion-y"

As far as when you get the armor. Not unlike the DB armor there will be enchantments that will help the player..and you should have armor for your job. So you will get the set toward the beginning. However at the end of the quests...you will get anohter set..it will look the same but have much different enchantment and no bad enchantments. I plan to put (and I am still debating about the bounty thing..quest will take place in cities, maybe castles...I think it would be a hinderance to the extreme) but it will have enchantments which harm your personality and speechcraft..and I mean really harm it.


Obviously with some of the things we are discussing OBSE will be necessary.


As far as this mods quicckness in being made...well I am assuming that Examinis and I will be working on this all alone...and the fewer of us the longer it will take. AS I said I do have a learning curve.


So again if you or anyone you know can help...even if it is teaching me HOW to do something if you dont have time to help exactly..that would be good also!!


Recruitment/background what ever it is a start :huh:

The Black horse is the unknown force, in empire for the past 500 years we have been a silent protector. From enemies at home to enemies at our very gates. We are mostly made up of merchant, retried legionaries and guards that have undying loyalty to empire. Last of the true patriots, we would give all for its protection. Recent events out of our control, has cause the death of our beloved emperor. Giving all wasn't enough, ( build on, used it, throw it away...) ;D


Maybe a background was the wrong term to use for that. a starting point for a mission, to gain approval of this community.


Who said anything about the main quest? Mythic dawn doesn't mean, absolute main quest. If you are trying to keeping the mod oblivionish. This black ops community in some way is government financed one way or another. They serve someone interest they many not know it, but they do. With the death of Emperor fresh in every ones mind, doing a mission that roots out a rouge council member, that might had his hand into the mix. The player is Black Ops he or she does serve the interest of the Empire. That is just big interest to look over, has nothing to do with main quest. Yes, it might run parallel to main quest, linked just enough to build off of and take it any where you want to. Keeping it still oblivionish, just that starting point is all. It might as well be a way how player could prove his or her loyalty to the community. ( I am thinking in logical terms, but this is a fantasy game so that means little or nothing)


I am sorry if I misunderstood you...I can only blame my anger at the game and my flu. The mythic dawn tie-in is one I plan to use. But as far as any interaction with main quest characters 'per se' I dont plan any. I dont plan any Cloud Temple Ruler visits...or talking to any blades that are currently existing in vanilla. I also do not plan any legion assassinations of current members. THey will all be new, added NPCs. Now as to other people...if they are not quest relevant...then they may have to die. I also have a few investigations with some noble-types.



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I like that Dezi. Is that boy bottoms or girls? Can you do boy bottoms with something? GIve it a try or send me that so I can look at it please.

I knew you couldnt resist. har har

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That's disgusting! Everybody makes texturing and modeling look soooo frakken easy. Do you have any idea how badly I want to be able to do that!


It's looking great Dez, can't wait to see more even though it'll probably depress the hell out of me that I can't seem to figure out how to do it myself :biggrin:

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I like that Dezi. Is that boy bottoms or girls? Can you do boy bottoms with something? GIve it a try or send me that so I can look at it please.

I knew you couldnt resist. har har

those bottoms are female and from the mod I linked to a few posts above. The top is so-so that I'll do custom,I'm not big on male armor...sorry...nothing personal guys!

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This would probably all involve player factions somehow and I am not sure it can be done. You would have to have multiple factions seperated out between yourself, the legion and the people in charge. I will look into it but ultimately your personality and speechcraft can override a great many factions and it would not be able to be tied to the armor itself. Factions are listed in the player or NPC sections of the CS and I know of no way to connect them to the armor. The only thing I know to do is enchant the armor to make your personality and speechcraft go so low that that people dont like you..but it would effect anyone while you were in the armor.


If you can figure out how to do it I would be happy to try it but I simply dont think there is a way.


I believe that creating two new factions, one for the guards and one for the player would have the effect but it would somehow have to be scripted to the armor and I don't know how to do that. As far as there not being a way, I have begun to believe that anything can be done in this game if you are willing to put in the time and effort to do it. I'll do some tests and see if I can somehow script the faction to a set of armor.

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I have been playing Gothic 3 sense I crashed oblivion again..... I am not really ready to fix it yet....

Gothic 3 Hashishin armor pretty much matches what your trying to do here....


concept art of the Elite Hashishin armor





now also for the heavier armor type, maybe something like the witcher armor, I know I would like it from Nordic players point of view. Even do a few quest that cause you slain some monsters


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