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Imperial BlackOps Mod


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First of all : Hi :)

It's a great mod idea with an unlimited potential :biggrin: (it's limited actually by the time itself but there could be released new patches to extend the mod's gameplay)

I read all the 50 pages (at the moment) and I think I'm pretty well informed about the mod.



About the joining the "guild" , if I remember well (it took me almost 2 hours to read all )it wasn't decided how the player will get it, so I've been thinking at this :

*you install the mod , check the esm/esp , start the game*

You play around for about three days then a timed script enters in scene. An imperial guard arrests you while you are in an area (GETISINCELL command i guess ).You are able to hide one lockpick(or you'll find one in your prison cell). If you evade from the cell you'll be able to join the "guild". If you destroy the lockpick a guard will come soon ,open the cell , summon an iron blade at you (so you'll get a weapon) and you'll have to fight him.Again , if you defeat him with the weapon you'll be able to join else you'll have to do future training.If you defeat him with magic you can join them too."



That's pretty much all.Constructive criticism will be appreciated :).


If you defeat(not kill) the guard with the weapon you'll join as "insert title one"

same thing for the magic and the lockpicking (*unlock door effects should be disabled or the door should be immune to magic unlocking)



I can do retexturing (even mass-retexturing (more than 200 retextures in less than 15 minutes :bigggrin: when I have to do simple color change)

I a newbie at modeling,but I can weight paint , do arrows and simple blades.I can do UV mapping too.

I can handle the CS editor.I can do scripting ,with UESPwiki opened.

I can do bsa packs for easier distributing of files (but anyone can do that :) )


Well this how I can help.and sorry for the lenght of the post.




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First of all : Hi :)

It's a great mod idea with an unlimited potential :biggrin: (it's limited actually by the time itself but there could be released new patches to extend the mod's gameplay)

I read all the 50 pages (at the moment) and I think I'm pretty well informed about the mod.



About the joining the "guild" , if I remember well (it took me almost 2 hours to read all )it wasn't decided how the player will get it, so I've been thinking at this :

*you install the mod , check the esm/esp , start the game*

You play around for about three days then a timed script enters in scene. An imperial guard arrests you while you are in an area (GETISINCELL command i guess ).You are able to hide one lockpick(or you'll find one in your prison cell). If you evade from the cell you'll be able to join the "guild". If you destroy the lockpick a guard will come soon ,open the cell , summon an iron blade at you (so you'll get a weapon) and you'll have to fight him.Again , if you defeat him with the weapon you'll be able to join else you'll have to do future training.If you defeat him with magic you can join them too."



That's pretty much all.Constructive criticism will be appreciated :).


If you defeat(not kill) the guard with the weapon you'll join as "insert title one"

same thing for the magic and the lockpicking (*unlock door effects should be disabled or the door should be immune to magic unlocking)



I can do retexturing (even mass-retexturing (more than 200 retextures in less than 15 minutes :bigggrin: when I have to do simple color change)

I a newbie at modeling,but I can weight paint , do arrows and simple blades.I can do UV mapping too.

I can handle the CS editor.I can do scripting ,with UESPwiki opened.

I can do bsa packs for easier distributing of files (but anyone can do that :) )


Well this how I can help.and sorry for the lenght of the post.






Child...I think I love you! :)


And yes it needs an update. It is my fault as I have been busy and distracted by shiny objects. I will get one by weeks end.

Thanks to everyone for their patience with me.,

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Child...I think I love you! :)


*blushes a lil bit :biggrin:*


I'll think at some quests/ideas tomorrow at school if I have some time.

Oh..and PM me if you need something retextured with the instructions included (color ,details etc) and I'll see what I can do about it ;)

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Well I am practically useless compared to you Alex.

So I think I will do one last thing for this mod then call time on my part.

I hope to see this mod finished someday!


Gamerbird..no help is useless...if you leave me I will whip you


And no not dead..just with me being sick and the holidays (whihc gave me my daughter underfoot all the time) it has been difficult. Ia lso have been trying to learn things and practice what I learn. As I have said this mod will only goes as fast as I learn....I am happy for all the help we can get and I need quest scripters more than anything right now.

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I think I might just leave just for that Lisa :P


Sorry dirty mind took over.


My help is, there are many more of you who are active enough to make stuff for this mod.

I seem to have lost my pace in this mod and tbh, my stuff isn't very good.

I might rejoin when I get better but until then I am not sure.

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