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Premum Membership added, still 35 kB/sec dl... what gives?


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Yes, I'm new here. I recently started playing Oblivion, because I got it in a cheap deal with Bioshock, actually. I had a bad experience with Morrowind, and wasn't really looking for more TES. But now I've all but forgotten Bioshock, and am stuck on Oblivion. (Imagine that!)


So my search for a better experience brought me here, and I saw that I could obtain better download speeds for the mods as well as support this site by chipping in a few copper for the cause. Unfortunately, I've got the exact same dl speed as before, which is pitifully slow (35 kB/sec if it's behaving well, though I get spikes up to 45).


I read that speeds are capped at 1024 kB/sec for standard members (ha, never got that high!) and that the cap is removed for premium members. And that the premium members get access to members-only servers. I can understand the bandwidth being very stressed on the free servers. But I haven't been able to find where to choose my download location (unless I click a direct download link, but that kind of defeats the purpose of NMM, right?).


Not to mention that my dl speeds in firefox are the same, if not slightly worse.


Anyone got an idea what's up? Or is that just how it is? I'm not complaining, per se, as I'm happy to support the site that does so much to make my addiction take over even more of my life... I'd just like to know what's up.




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We have been experiencing a few issues recently that we're working hard to resolve. One of these is actually allowing members to pick their general location so NMM will always try to download from the servers closest to them first. And, for Premium members, an option that will allow you to force NMM to only ever download from the Premium file servers.


Hopefully this won't be too far off. Until then, I can either refund your Premium membership, or, when things get better for you, I can add on the time you've missed out on to the end of your subscription so you won't have lost any time.


Having said that, you should definitely not be getting a speed of 35kb/sec as Premium. When you're downloading does the "threads" column say 4 or 1? 4 is good, 1 is bad for Premium Members.

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We have been experiencing a few issues recently that we're working hard to resolve. One of these is actually allowing members to pick their general location so NMM will always try to download from the servers closest to them first. And, for Premium members, an option that will allow you to force NMM to only ever download from the Premium file servers.


Hopefully this won't be too far off. Until then, I can either refund your Premium membership, or, when things get better for you, I can add on the time you've missed out on to the end of your subscription so you won't have lost any time.


Having said that, you should definitely not be getting a speed of 35kb/sec as Premium. When you're downloading does the "threads" column say 4 or 1? 4 is good, 1 is bad for Premium Members.


OK this is weird. I've been experiencing this since I upgraded to premium about 28 hours ago, but voila! as soon as I post this thread my threads go to 4 and my dl speed goes to around 200kB/sec.


Perhaps something to do with the general internet malaise of the last week or so.


Thanks for the quick reply!



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Can you check that when manually downloading from the premium only servers you're getting higher speeds? Obviously we want NMM to work just as well as manually downloading, so it's one of our top priorities at the moment.
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We have been experiencing a few issues recently that we're working hard to resolve. One of these is actually allowing members to pick their general location so NMM will always try to download from the servers closest to them first. And, for Premium members, an option that will allow you to force NMM to only ever download from the Premium file servers.


Hopefully this won't be too far off. Until then, I can either refund your Premium membership, or, when things get better for you, I can add on the time you've missed out on to the end of your subscription so you won't have lost any time.


Having said that, you should definitely not be getting a speed of 35kb/sec as Premium. When you're downloading does the "threads" column say 4 or 1? 4 is good, 1 is bad for Premium Members.

OK, downloading the Shivering Isles UOP...

From Kent, now this is odd, All I can get (tried all three versions of the patch)is a file called "Downloads" which is a text file according to firefox. Here's the download link that comes up in the firefox DL manager: http://oblivion.nexu...d=101&fid=91740

From Denver, I'm getting about 11 kB/s with lots of dropped packets... using firefox.

From Denver 2 using firefox, I'm getting about 75 kB/s straight download, but using DownThemAll, which gives me 4 download threads i get about 80kB/s.

Pretty pathetic, no?

using the manager I'm getting fluctuations between 55 and 65 kB/s. Bleh. Was great yesterday. I'm betting the net is really stressed with all the stuff going on in the States. all the tweets from NY must be overwhelming the backbones LOL.


ETA: I am using wireless 4G internet, which sometimes chokes a bit. But that wouldn't account for the difference btw. Denver and Denver 2

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I honestly can't replicate this issue; I download at 1.5MB/sec and 1.2MB/sec respectively from Kent and Denver, without using any download managers. My connection maxs out at 1.6MB/sec. I think this might have something more to do with your 4G connection. They're far from reliable.
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I honestly can't replicate this issue; I download at 1.5MB/sec and 1.2MB/sec respectively from Kent and Denver, without using any download managers. My connection maxs out at 1.6MB/sec. I think this might have something more to do with your 4G connection. They're far from reliable.


You have a point. But it's weird when I can download at that speed and concurrently watch a youtube video in 360p. Anyway, I love this site and will continue to support it as long as I can. I'm one of those nutters who thinks the end of the 'world' is coming soon.

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