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Skyrim New DLC Trailer out on the 5th


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Hey guys, not sure if this has been mentioned but thought I should share it.


The new DLC trailer is being released on the 5th of the 11th. That will fall on a Monday.


Here is their tweet


Appropriately (and don't quote me on this haha) but we may have the DLC pretty fast after the trailer is out. A rumor went around saying that it was going to come out on 11.11.12 I would say false. But eh.


This is an image that has come from Betha on the DLC. Wounder what it is, or rather who.




Although I still curse the 30 day exclusive for the 360! but eh I guess the 360 finally has use for PC gamers! Beta testers!


......I really need to change my profile pics. I hate the avengers movie. =D

Edited by Loki180
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By the scales on the shoulders I would say that is a dragon priest, now what is his role in the DLC I can´t tell.
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Fascinating. Thank you very much for the update, my friend.
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Not a problem. We do have our friends on steam forums to thank that is where I found it.


The 30 day has ended! god bless.


He does look like a Dragon Priest doesn't he. I am looking forward to this.

Edited by Loki180
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