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New Download Changes


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Nah, the only juvenile 3rd grade behavior going on here is people bleeding the site dry for years and crying about it when the site finally decides to encourage you to help support it.

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I don't usually write in forums. I've been on Nexus since 2011. It's one of the few sites I whitelist because I care about the site and want it to succeed.


But the recent changes to "incentivize" the premium subscription are just too much. Not because a 5 second wait is too long, or the few extra clicks, or the one download at a time, but all of them together. It's the mindset of "If we screw over the customer enough, they'll give us more money." You're charging us for a solution to a problem you created. Nexus made the site more annoying to use and proceeds to ask us for more money to have things back to how they were.


Nexus, instead of making your subscription service more appealing and attracting users who "want" what you're offering you've instead punished those who can't (or won't) pony up for something they used to get for free. You offered a great service and have removed what made it so successful in the first place: It's user-friendliness . Especially since there was no announcement, no explanation, nothing. A surprise addition no one wanted or asked for. You went from "How can we make the site better for users" to "How can we make it just annoying enough to get them to pay for it".


With the AAA gaming industry, we expect them to be milking us for everything, screwing us over, and introducing shady practices to get us to spend more money. I don't expect that from Nexus. You've removed aspects from the service and dangle it in front of us like a carrot on a stick.


You can disagree with me, that's fine. I've seen the few other threads of people jumping to the defense of Nexus. I'm just saying how I feel. I don't feel like a valued user, I don't feel like I'm seen as anything but a shut wallet to be pried open, I don't feel like Nexus cares about me. And maybe they don't. But when your customers don't feel appreciated, we'll go elsewhere or go without.


So, for now, I'm going without. It's a shame, Nexus. A damn shame. I get it, you need money. That's not my fault though, so don't take it out on me.


Completely agree with OP. I don't usually come to the forums unless I need to check on an issue or look to see if a feature I was looking for is already made. Since the changes to downloading for members, it's become tedious to even update my various mod lists. I don't mind premium have a better download priority/speed, they are paying for that, but I do mind it being shoved in my face every single time I download.

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This is the most idiotic change at any time, ever. It's astounding that a feature this awful and horrendous actually got implemented. I've increasingly come to loathe Nexusmods because of its increasing user-unfriendliness: The ugly and less-functional UI remaking they did last year is on that list. A total waste of money and time.


Premium having access to better download speeds(and previously, an ad-free experience, although it seems ads are gone?) was very sensible. However, the new download page operates more slowly than the Soviet Bureaucracy, and makes the formerly simple tasks of downloading user-submitted mods to improve my gameplay experiences too time-consuming and tedious to make it worth doing. I cannot fathom why they made such a trash feature, and it does make me hope for alternatives in the future. There are plenty of free-modding sites for a plethora of games: The only thing lamentable is that certain games such as the Witcher do not have such luxuries, and we are stuck on an increasingly unfriendly and money-grubbing website.


Edit: Apparently supporters don't get ads, and thus I was thinking of certain times where the site logged me out and several ads were on the page. However, I would clutter my screen with several ads at a time in exchange for the destruction of this goddamn download page.

Edited by waswar1
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Guest deleted34304850



This is the most idiotic change at any time, ever.

Honestly, are you sure about this?


Honestly, are you unfamiliar with the concept of hyperbole?


No, hyperbole is very familiar to me. Here's a handy hint, if you have a point to make, make it. Stick to the facts, so that your points are clear and inarguable. Otherwise you come off as a bit of a clown.

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:thumbsup: nice job at downgrading your site, Nexusmods. you can now make the claim that you're as shitty as most other file host sites when it comes to restricting and throttling downloads while attempting to charge money for a problem YOU created to get more money.


but of common sense advice: people will be more willing to pay you money if you make the service/site/etc. you offer more appealing instead of creating problems for them to pay to solve.


but then again, i don't think executives and other business related people are all that known for having much common sense.


edit: (just finished reading through the thread) this whole argument is ridiculous... hey, premium users, having more money than other people actually doesn't magically make you better than or superior to them. neither does insulting us and calling us things like leeches.


all of your suggestions amount to is making this site an objectively worse place for people who, for whatever reason, can't or won't pay for premium.


all you're doing here is showing us that you simply don't care that things are being made worse and more inconvenient for us because you have enough money to pay your way past the problems created specifically to funnel more money back into the website and the pockets of those running it.


by making this change to the download process on this site the people running the site are literally creating a problem to get more money. it's the same exact reason sites like mediafire and MEGA do this.


and all it says to people is that someone running the site has gotten greedy. it has nothing to do with people being "leeches" for using the site for free for X amount of time.


the idea someone pointed out of the site employing an "ad-blocker blocker script"? great idea for giving people more incentive to LEAVE the site and take the potential cash with them.


pay walling downloads...anti-ad blocker scripts...throttling download speeds and restricting how many downloads or how much bandwidth can be used on downloads before blocking users with a timer (i've seen 24 hour timers on MEGA in the past and their bandwidth cap is ~5GB)... these are all incentives, not for people to pay for premium on the site, but for people to flee the site and stop using the site/service/etc. entirely.


it's a 100% anti-consumer business model born of greed.


me? i have...$30 from christmas which i'm gonna spend to buy a game and 1 DLC for me and a friend in a few days. that's it. that's my big purchase in several months if not longer. i actually cannot pay for premium here. for people like me, this type of change to the site is an incentive to leave and look for other places from which to try and find/download mods for games. this is a downgrade to the nexusmods site no matter how you look at it.

Edited by Guest
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This is the most idiotic change at any time, ever.

Honestly, are you sure about this?


Honestly, are you unfamiliar with the concept of hyperbole?


No, hyperbole is very familiar to me. Here's a handy hint, if you have a point to make, make it. Stick to the facts, so that your points are clear and inarguable. Otherwise you come off as a bit of a clown.



Nowhere in this shitslinging contest were facts presented. Fact is, any existing non-subscribers are bleeding money out of nexus. You can't rely on ads as ads are still a way to get an infection even from "normal, proxy whitelisted sites". The Cisco security report a few years back even said that it was one of the important attack vectors (was, not is) and one should not deactivate it for any site. The lifetime-whiteknights that think their arrogant attitude is worthy anything but a smile are also costing money and are not in some magical high caste as they seem to think. Fact is, the 2.85 Pb monthly traffic may cost upwards of 60k (Minimum. Probably way more as none of it can be cached) (pre sales reduction). The only lifeblood of nexus is new customers and this probably is a good way to bring in the monies as someone said that Nexus said on discord this change was successful.


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whiteknights that think their arrogant attitude is worthy anything but a smile are also costing money and are not in some magical high caste as they seem to think.

which is exactly the impression i got from reading through this thread...and later seeing that "The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!" thread...


that such a thread even has to exist at all tells me that there's a serious community related problem that needs resolving here on this site. and anti-consumer business decisions coupled with a community whose premium users are nothing short of hostile and toxic towards the free users is a disaster just waiting to happen.


like i said before, just because you have more money than other people in no way makes you a better person than them. though that certainly seems to be how premium users here act towards non-paying users.


premium? *points at ublock origin's element blocker* i don't see any premium links. what is this "premium" you speak of? if this is the type of people i'd be joing the ranks of and us vs them community i'd be joining... there's no way i'm paying so much as 1 penny.


the price, money aside, isn't worth it imo.

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Come on people. Yes, I don't like the changes too, but it's completely understandable. And reasonable. A bite of common sense, please.


Freeloaders like you or me still can download all we want for free. We have not downloads limits. We don't have to pay at all. Just a little inconvenience. It's not the end of the world of modding!


It's understandable most of you don't know how revenue from ads works, but usually it's not really good. Besides, most advertiser can "block" nexus showing their ads if them don't get results. Advertisers spend large amounts (or not) on online advertising, but there are a lot of sites to choose from (even more when campaigns are automated by algorythms).


I only don't know if people will buy premium more now. Personally I don't have any reasons besides supporting the web (which probably I'll do).

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