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Nexusmods.com thoughts


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I am going through another round of installing a game that has many mods on this website (This time it is Fallout 3) and I thought I would post some thoughts about the site.


1. It's by far one of the buggiest and unstables sites I have used. I understand there are a lot of files here but it's halfway impossible to access most of them. On another tab I have been trying to download a file for almost an hour and it is just sitting on a page saying the file is being prepped. This is across 3 different browsers with no extentions/mods running on them.


2. Nexus Mod Manager is a joke of a program. It has HUGE potential in becoming an amazing program but it is incredibly sub par to steam's abomination they call the workshop. I have had download problems where it quits downloading saying "error" and then the name of the mod that failed isn't even displayed so I have to try and remember what mods in what order I was trying to install or reference the list of mods that actually did work which usually doesn't help because more than half of them failed.


Today only 1 mod out of 20 or so has installed and even then I had to retry it 10 times.


One thing that I will say that is positive is that the site is a great idea and for the most part is functional. The acquisition of mods needs to get fixed. It is to the point that I really wish these mods were available elsewhere so I could uninstall the mod manager and leave nexusmods.com far behind. Sorry I don't have much good to say but I believe negative feedback is a must.

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I believe negative feedback is a must.


That's fair enough, but there's no point as Dark0ne and his team are already fully aware of the problems and the couple of hundred other complaints about what's going on. It's a very big site, with lots of issues to fix, so it's going to take time.

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Thank you for your input, the site owner and the developer team are aware of the issues as stated in the news article that was posted on the Nexus sites on the 3rd of November.

In case you have not read it, here is the link:






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Darkfenix_rizen -- Joined: 06-March 09


Going by the above, either you have been inactive on the Nexus for the past 3 years, or you are... what, moaning for the sake of it? Either way, you should catch up on the state of what has been going on with the sites before complaining. The information is all over the forums, AND in Dark0ne's news blogs.

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