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Skyrim Dragonborn


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Well this is silly. Neither can I. I'll search.


Found it. It's a bit fiddly, but it's there. Wonder why theres no option to ignore someone via their profile tho? or if there is, where is it?

Anyway, say you wanted to ignore me.


Where it says your username, click on that for the drop down box. one of the options will be manage ignored users. Click on that option, it'll take you to a page with a text field. simply enter my user name into the field, it'll pop up with

"slainia (members)"

The same for premium members l expect. just type the persons name into that text field, and whatever member group they're in will pop up when their name is entered in enough detail.



If you only type in part of a person's name, you'll get all names that match that text. The more of the name you add, the more the list narrows down.

Edited by slainia
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Cool story. Don't like my opinions, dont read them. Get over it.


Lol you're such a fail troll.

Learn what the words you use mean before responding, kid. Don't like my opinions, don't read them.


Guess that's why the TESF vets, aka the vets of the series know exactly what I'm talking about. Pointless gimmick crap made for the twitchers they marketed this game to. Sorry, but we didn't need arcadey dragon riding (in a cut off zone no less). That's not ES.

Edited by Enatiomorph
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Learn what the words you use mean before responding, kid. Don't like my opinions, don't read them.


How long are you gonna keep saying that?


Guess that's why the TESF vets, aka the vets of the series know exactly what I'm talking about. Pointless gimmick crap made for the twitchers they marketed this game to. Sorry, but we didn't need arcadey dragon riding (in a cut off zone no less). That's not ES.


You have no right to say what ES is, only Bethesda does because they made it in the first place. If you wanna go and tell them what their franchise is, go ahead, but they'll laugh in your face.

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Learn what the words you use mean before responding, kid. Don't like my opinions, don't read them.


How long are you gonna keep saying that?


Guess that's why the TESF vets, aka the vets of the series know exactly what I'm talking about. Pointless gimmick crap made for the twitchers they marketed this game to. Sorry, but we didn't need arcadey dragon riding (in a cut off zone no less). That's not ES.


You have no right to say what ES is, only Bethesda does because they made it in the first place. If you wanna go and tell them what their franchise is, go ahead, but they'll laugh in your face.

Cool story. Don't like it, dont read it. All vets have a right to say what the ES is, we bought it and have been here since the beginning. Guess that's why the majority on TESF didnt want dragon riding and it was shot down as if guns were being proposed. Know what you're talking about before responding next time.

Edited by Enatiomorph
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Cool story. Don't like it, dont read it.


If you don't want people to read it, don't post it.


All vets have a right to say what the ES is, we bought it and have been here since the beginning.


You didn't create it. You have no artistic license to it, nothing. The only thing you've done is play the games that Bethesda made, and Bethesda alone can actually say what Elder Scrolls is. If they want Dragon Riding in, it'll be put in. If you don't like it, go back to Morrowind.


Guess that's why the majority on TESF didnt want dragon riding and it was shot down as if guns were being proposed.


I have no idea what this TESF thing you're talking about is, but they don't represent the entire Skyrim fanbase.


Know what you're talking about before responding next time.


You know what? Just leave. Come back when you're ready to act like an adult.

Edited by InuyashaFE
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You know what? Just leave. Come back when you're ready to act like an adult.


Seconded. But i digress, ignoring the constandly depreciating comments of some company, mayhapse we should get back to some actual discussion?


Riding Dragons, in free-range terms, presents some issues.


First, in Skyrim, it's the major cities. As they are closed cells, being able to fly over the cities would break continuity, as you would not enter the specific cell the city is in. This wasn't a problem in Morrowind, but arose in Oblivion, and is the reason they got rid of things like Levitate and Jump. If all the towns in Solsthiem are open-cell, this wouldn't be a problem there, but the issue would still exist in Skyrim unless all the areas (including the Hidden Vale) were switched to open-cell on the main world.


Second, combat... Dragons, unlike horses, kinda fight for themselves... So when riding one, would you use the Dragons abilities, or still swing with your weapons? Or would combat be completely dissabled?


Third, target acquisition. Flying, jumping and generally making yourself a target, currently, often causes enemies from a substantial distance away to come after you, often with no clue where they are. The problem would only be exaserbated if you were flying on a Dragon, unless how monsters and NPC's acquire targets was changed. Can you imagine, flying over the Moestring (i think thats the mountain chain on Solsthiem...) and having the battle music start up, and having to circle for 10 minutes to find the lonely Skever who keeps you from resting/fast traveling?

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