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NMM services down temporarily


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We've disabled some NMM services, like downloading and file version checking temporarily. We're hoping to get a new version of NMM out this evening with a full news post, but I thought I'd post this here before we get swamped with bug reports for something that isn't a bug. If you see <no data> next to your file version and can't download via the client, that's how it's meant to be right now.
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Waiting until tomorrow now to release the patch as it's too late to do it now. However, we think we've found and fixed the bug that was causing the very annoying log out issues.
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we think we've found and fixed the bug that was causing the very annoying log out issues.




That's great news, i've been trying to upload a rather large file over the last few days and I think this is what was preventing it. Cheers for the update :thumbsup:

Edited by Ironman5000
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