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Download Cap - Why?


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Before I'll leave this site forever or unless something changes (lmao) here are some examples: Literally any site you can upload and download from. MEGA, Mediafire, Reddit, Printerest, even other f***ing forums which I won't be naming due to advertisement rules.

MEGA: Limits you to a bandwidth of 1GB every 6 hours as a free user. If you exceed that limit, you have to wait until your 6 hour timer is up (source).

Mediafire: Premium / paid users have a total amount of bandwidth per month. If they exceed that bandwidth, they (and other users downloading from them) will start being forced to view pages with ads on them while downloading (source). Free users see ads all the time.

Reddit: You can only upload videos / images, not actual files. Also you are limited to video sizes of 1GB (source).

Pinterest: Again, only videos and pictures, not actual files. Plus there are limits (source).



I'm sure they have 'alternative facts' that prove you are 140% wrong! /s

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