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Is it Safe?


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So I notice fewer posts about how 1.8 is wreaking havoc. I managed to avoid the automatic download, but I would like to be able to get back in the CK, etc.

I'd hate to have all this waiting to be thrown away in a moment of impatience....and I'd really like this to be the first time a patch didn't end up with me having to restart my game. (I know, but a girl can dream!)


So is it? Safe?

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1.8 seems to work fine for me. However, it is with a character created in 1.8.


The CK seems alright too, although I do get a lot more error messages than before. Perhaps that's because it simply recognises more errors now or something lol

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My only issue so far I have noticed is on the nightmare quest for dawnstar. No Spoilers, just the fact that at a certain point in the mission quicksave starts making the game crash over and over.


I fixed it though. I found the exact moment it changes from being able to save, and not saving. I had a save about 5 seconds before, and just spammed the quicksave button, slowing the game to a complete crawl. For some reason this fixed it.

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I got ninja updated but have kept all previous characters. If you haven't updated and haven't updated the CK, there should be no reason you can't use it.


I would hold off on the update for a while if you can. There are problems other than Waking Nightmare being reported. Problems with the joining the College of Winterhold, which certainly for me had been fixed by 1.7, seem to be back again, and not just for me, have seen a thread about this somewhere. In come circumstances it seems to reset Hearthfire. And there are quite a few others.


I would not update until you have to.

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My gaming system has recently been re assembled after an incident with my old PSU that damaged my old processor - two weeks without my gaming rig :ohmy: .Was expecting to have to re install OS and Steam and all games but everything seems to be working OK.


I have had no problems so far in updating to 1.8 - 36 hours ago.I don't usually update part way through a character but this time I have.This character was started with 1.7 active and also required 11 other mods to be updated with their 1.8 versions.I have yet to start a new game.


I had read all the problems people were having with 1.8 and was not looking forward to up dating - but so far I have not had any of the issues other users are reporting.I was very careful to follow update instructions from the various mod authors and did all updating manually,deleting old versions of mods from data folder before placing new files.Then a combination of TES5Edit,BOSS,FNIS generator and WryeBash to sort everything.


I keep Steam in offline mode as I only use Steam in order to play Skyrim.I do not use Steam Cloud either.I also have every form of quick save and auto save disabled and only make manual saves.


Something for users to note with the "Do not automatically update this game" feature - as I understand it it really means 'do not update until I play the game' when Steam is in online mode.The only way to ensure no update is to keep Steam offline.Steam has also been updated to enable offline mode without having to go online first to enable offline mode.


Edit:Steam will want to convert game files to make them "more efficient".I read about the process earlier on the Beth forums and decided to get it over with so logged onto Steam online mode and hit play for Skyrim - Steam is currently downloading 3.139 GB onto my system.


SKSE also has a new version today - 1.06.05


Edit 2:1 hour 20 minutes later - Steam downloaded fresh versions of Update.esm,Dawnguard.esm and Hearthfires.esm probably because I had previously cleaned with TES5Edit.So time to clean again.

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The new file system is seemingly related to the new feature of being able to install games to a different directory other than the default one. In other words, you can install to a different hard drive, for example. I don't understand why these games need such beefy updates for it though...


Another problem I have been having with Steam itself is that every time I start it, it starts "updating steam"... With my connection, it's not fun so I just keep my Steam in offline mode unless I need it online.


Forced updates for single-player games is one thing that REALLY irritates me. I have been using Steam for years so knew of this feature already, and shuddered when it was announced Skyrim, just like New Vegas, would be Steam only.


SKSE also has a new version today - 1.06.05


Thanks for mentioning, I will seek this out.

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Does anyone know how long the Steam's conversion to new format is supposed to take?

Steam says its checking my existing files but its been about an hour now and I don't know if its even running properly.

I'm all in for a long update but I would have liked to have known what it was before it started.

I see the memory ticking by but It hasn't done anything yet and I'm afreaid to touch it.

Does anyone else attach Steam operations to something akin to a fascist state where you, the peon, are only on a need to know basis?

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Keeping Steam offline is certainly a most reliable option to stop it tinkering with your files. This however may be a pain if you have other games through Steam that you want to download or update, or check out their sale. Skyrim Unplugged is the way to go in that case.


I'll have to check these Steam conversion thingy out.

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