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Mods are enabled but dont seem to be working


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I have used vortex with fallout 4 and had no problems. I just brought the Kingdom Come game from steam and downloaded, played it for a bit and now have installed around 10 must have mods for the game, no

schnapps saving etc but although vortex says there all enabled. they don't appear to be live in the game?

I have 2 drives operating system on c and games on d. I haven't bothered checking the paths before as the mods in vortex for fallout 4 are working fine, so I presumed vortex would allocated the right path to the game?

I just noticed on the vortex dashboard on fallout 4 there is no mods are staged on c drive panel but there is when I click Kingdom Come. c:\users\alan\appdata\roaming\vortex\kindomcomdeliverance\mods.

if I change the c drive to d where the game is, d: program files x64\steam\etc I get a message you cannot put mods in the game directory.


Any ideas?

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