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Can't change resolution in ini


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I am running Skyrim on a low-end system (a laptop actually), so my fps isn't to friendly. Now with some mods the game is playable on low with textures on low too (Yes, I know, they look horrible, but I can live with that), but if I could turn the resoltution down a bit, I think I could be able to play the game with medium textures and some higher fps. So I tried doing some INI tweaks, but everytime I load the skyrim launcher, my tweaked resoltion is not available, so I opened the INI again, and I saw the resoltion had reseted! Well... why does this happen and how to fix this?


I have a 16:9 aspect ratio (at least, that is what the launcher detected, and it works fine in game, so I think it is the correct aspect ratio...) and my standard reslotion is 1600x900 / 1280x720 and I want to change it to 1152x648 / 1024x576.


So if anyone is familiar with this problem and does anyone know how to fix this?


PS: I edited the INI in my documents, not the one in the game folder.

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Well here is what I think the problem is...using the Skyrim/Steam launcher can result in exactly what you describe. Going into the options menu from the steam/skyrim launcher will definitely reset your values to default. To avoid this, use NMM launcher instead. If NMM is opening your steam launcher (it will do this if you are not already connected to steam) then just hit exit, and launch from NMM again. That should bring up the proper start menu.


Also, make sure you are making changes to the ini files in your Documents/MyGame/Steam/Skyrim folder, not the one in Program Files.

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if it keeps reseting it i have a copy of the changed on my desktop and when i start the launcher it auto changes so after i click accept low res. i copy those from the desktop to the .ini file location and replace them, everytime. gets annoying here and there but its what i have to do. :thumbsup:
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Are you sure that your chosen resolution is supported by your graphics driver and monitor? If what you are choosing is not showing, it may be an incompatible resolution for your hardware.


Generally, using the native resolution provides the best possible performance. What is the reason for your wanting to change it? Maybe there is another way to address the problem.

Also, have you tried using windowed mode? Personally I don't like it, but there are some who find it works better for them.

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