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Downloads are still slow and nothing has been done...


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I know for poor people it is capped at 1-2MB, but I am getting <10KB. This feels like Nexus is imposing impossible slow speed to force people to buy the premium account.

If I use Vortex to download, at times it won't even start download for hours.

I only downloading 1 file and no ad blocker of any sort installed.

Heyas ssddsquare.


At that low of a speed, I can definitely understand how you would be frustrated. While I don't use vortex, or any other download managers for here on the site, I can tell you that it's not the site itself. Yesterday, I was getting my full on 1020 per second, for a couple of hours. This from times when sometimes I was getting below 300 KB/s.

Try running through the steps in the link that PickySaurus posted above, and test your connection to the nexus.



This I'm posting to just people in general. Another thing to consider is your power settings for your computer. In some of the power settings, especially for laptops, but they have the there in PC settings too. In some of those profiles, the power settings will limit the internal network card.

This will go into effect if there is a lot of things going on with the computer at the time, IE a lot of programs running, or big programs running that are using up Ram and the CPU (as both of these cause heat, which means the fans are working harder, both of which, is power consumption). Or if your video card has cooling fans, that adds in too.

Edited by StormWolf01
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my downloads are going at 10kbs witch is wayy slower, i used to atleast get 700kbs. i live in south africka but i have never had slow downloads from nexus. both manual and nmm are both slow.




Pinging files.nexus-cdn.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=308ms TTL=51
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=308ms TTL=51
Request timed out.
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 2, Lost = 2 (50% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 308ms, Maximum = 308ms, Average = 308ms
the whether is s*** today so my ping is not the best but yesterday i had the same issue any clue what this is?
Edited by ironpandaslayer
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im on a 200m speed from VOX South Africa too, and speeds not more than 10k - as well premium acc from nexus - tried vortex and manual from all servers.....

Should note speeds from other sites Steam, Youtube, UFC fight pass are all fine max speeds.........


What ive discovered so far is that any mod thats bigger tham 200meg is super slow to download, but any mod thats smaller uses my full speed - ???


Ok some more investigating specifically here from South Africa, there seems to be an underwater cable fault which is still been worked on and is effecting most ISP's here

in the country, sites like Netflix, Youtube, Steam etc, i think have local servers and thats why speeds are still normal, but anything abroad is crazy slow....



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Download from Australia here and all servers are struggling to get about 1kb/s or so, (basically impossible to download). If I manually download often then download will just fail to start.


Not sure whats going on, guessing some authentication server or something is falling over? Seems unlikely that ALL nexus servers are being DDOS'ed!


UPDATE: Downloads came right 10mins after posting this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I could deal with 30 kb/s i could live (unhappily) with it but this whole jump to 30 then back to 0 stop for a minute jump to 30 for 2 seconds stop for a minute s*** is ludicrous. This isnt a "holiday" issue it is FEB 16TH the holidays are LONG over. I am 17 minutes in to a 600 MB downoad. What percentage do you think is complete? 70? 80? 100?....no. 6. right 6%. No my internet works just fine if you were wondering. This and by extention Vortex are the ONLY THINGS that are running ...... crawling........laying dead on the floor on this thing. Whats the problem? No i do not have ad block No i do not have a browser extention. Yes i have tried turning it off and on again lol.

Edited by triffton
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I too have difficulty downloading large files. I understand the need to monetize and support the site and its servers, but 2mb/s is simply unacceptable for larger files. I've had several large files simply fail, and am seeing speeds significantly below 2mb/s, even as a supporter.

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Hi guys,


Please see our help guide for download issues here: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do


Without the info in that article, we don't have enough data to look into any potential issues


I'm sorry, but you want us to post our IP address here, on a public forum? Not going to happen. You should provide a place for bug reports where the info is sent to the team, not the public.


Moreover, the issue isn't with a specific file. The complaint is that that 2mb/s is too low for large files (1GB or higher), and they often fail during these large downloads. Frankly, I think that extra large files (again 1GB or higher), should have a different cap. I fully understand the expense of servers, and 2mb/s may take longer, but it isn't a big deal for most files. But at a certain point, files become prone to failure.


I had this issue with many of the files I have been downloading from the following mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49351, https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/41108, https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49798, https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49645


Note that these files are all very large and these are only the ones I recall.

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