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Well, I'm back! Since I had many views on my previous topic, I will try not to bore you for too long and give you a better accounting of my playing of Skyrim SSE.

As I said before, I don't use graphic mods because they take up too much room on my Xbox. I have tried some out like, Skyland, which was nice. And I really liked the Noble series, I wish I could afford the room on my Xbox.

I have tried a lot of City mods, like Divine Cities. It was great when I first downloaded it, and I used it for a while. Then, I found JK's Skyrim. I loved it! But alas, all good things come to pass. I was having big issues entering Windhelm, then I found the individual mods for JK's cities. So, I took JK's Whiterun, Riften, and Markarth. I don't take a city mod for Windhelm at all, it alleviates any problems with Windhelm.

I would like to see modders offer individual mods, not mods put into groups.

As I typed before, I like 'Soldier of War' mod Solitude, but I also liked his rendition of Dragon Bridge. But, one cannot just take Dragon Bridge, you must take the other mods in that series. So, one must choose which mods take precedence over other mods.

My choice is with LordCurse, I would much rather download his mods over Soldier of War, but I still have hopes of someone to create an independent mod of Dragon Bridge. One thing that I feel is so good about LordCurse city and village mods are;


they are individual mods of the towns and cities


you can pick and choose which mods you want


which town mods you wish to use for that particular game.



I must elaborate on my own gameplay, some people will not enjoy hearing this because it makes it sound so restrictive, but these are my beliefs.

I am a male, I don't play females. I have tried playing females, it just isn't me. I have tried playing all the races offered in the game, but I most enjoy playing a Breton.

Bretons have a 25% magic resistance, and when I boost my Alteration high enough to get 30% magic resistance, and I enchant my Armored Clothing I can have about 90% total magic resistance. I have found that if you have !00% magic resistance, the dragons will usually fly around you and then fly off without fighting. So, I only take 90%, that way the dragons can breathe on me and I'll only get minimal damage, then they must land, where they met their demise.

When I first started playing, I used enchanted weapons all the time, now, I never do! At high levels, I use a 'Black Mammouth Recurve Bow', as per "Better Bows". It's improved greatly, but no enchantments. I also have a Dragonbone Dagger, which is also improved.

When I was a teenager, I had a horse and I rode him as much as I could, but then little boys grow into bigger boys.

In the game of Skyrim, I don't own a horse and I never have. Yes, one can travel faster by the use of a horse when you use a road. I don't use roads, I travel cross country. Where I travel, only a mountain goat could follow. I have trod upon just about everywhere in Skyrim, no track or trail guides me, only my insatiable wanderlust. Besides, you cannot fight on horseback and if you get into a skirmish, you feel obligated in defending the horse.

When it comes to selecting personal homes for the character, I choose a modest home with everything I need, nothing fancy. My choice is 'Arcadia's Farm', which is located near the stables in Whiterun.

I have always wondered the reasoning behind the fact that if there are guard barracks in a village, then don't you think there would be at least an anvil there. You know, for the repair or creation of weapons or armor. There would be at least that, probably a workbench and grindstone also. A smelter would only be in a major city or a village that operates a working mine, smelters were uncommon in the old world. That's why it was surprising to see in the unmodded version of Skyrim, Solitude didn't have a smelter! That was indeed strange.

Another thing that I find that is strange in this game is that in the old days of civilization, all the cities, towns, villages or hamlets were cramped and crowded. Housing was crowded, very crowded. People were stacked upon each other, there is little room to move or live. So, when I view Skyrim it seems as though the creators didn't think of too much realism when they designed this game, or maybe they did and figured it's just a game! Why do modders design city and town mods that include watchtowers, but have no soldiers that occupy those same positions? Doesn't that make the watchtowers ineffective or a waste of the town's resources.

I also use many small mods, over 125 mods, and currently, only use about 155 mbs of space on my Xbox. I don't feel I have to fill it full of mods that are unnecessary to my way of playing.

Oh, I forgot the use of grass mods. I would love to use grass mods like Verdant, that one I really like, but there is a problem. The grass mods create big issues with my house mod, Arcadia's Farm. Verdant and all the other grass mods obscure the garden plots, so I don't take any grass mods.

I'm very selective in which mods I prefer. I don't like playing as a werewolf, so I don't do the Champion's Quest. I would rather play as a member of the Silver Hand, and hunt down all the werewolves! Also, I will not play as a vampire either, but I will hunt them down and plunge a stake through their hearts; they are worthy adversaries.

I usually find the 'Stones of Barenziah' and then go after the 'Crown of Barenziah' first. After that, I'll do the Thieves Guild lesser quests, the ones to elevate the status of the guild. When that is done, I usually get bored and start a new game with some different mods that just came out. I don't even do the game's main quest or the Dragonborn DLC.

As for the Hearthfire, I think it's lame! I don't care for it. I would much rather construct a small keep or tower, even a small defensible stronghold tucked away in a remote place with a view of any approach of hostiles that want to attack your abode. You could also create it so that bandits and/or creatures attack it periodically, so one must repair it and build better defenses constantly. Just a thought. So, what do you think? Well, I got to rest now, see ya!

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If I knew how to put in a paragraph form, I would, but I don't! I'm sorry I can't live up to your standards, maybe I should just refrain from typing my thoughts if I am to be criticized for my grammar. That's why people stay quiet and just read other people's posts rather than finding faults and being judged. Don't worry, I won't post anything again! Good Luck!

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If I knew how to put in a paragraph form, I would, but I don't! I'm sorry I can't live up to your standards, maybe I should just refrain from typing my thoughts if I am to be criticized for my grammar. That's why people stay quiet and just read other people's posts rather than finding faults and being judged. Don't worry, I won't post anything again! Good Luck!



I made no mention of grammar.


All you need to do is put the cursor at the end of several lines of text and hit ENTER, and et voila, you have a paragraph.


I don't know WHY you think your faults are being pointed out and you're being judged, I was merely asking you to put it in a readable format that people will be willing to read.

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Well, I'm back! Since I had many views on my previous topic, I will try not to bore you for too long and give you a better accounting of my playing of Skyrim SSE.


As I said before, I don't use graphic mods because they take up too much room on my Xbox. I have tried some out like, Skyland, which was nice. And I really liked the Noble series.I wish I could afford the room on my Xbox.


I have tried a lot of City mods, like Divine Cities. It was great when I first downloaded it, and I used it for a while. Then, I found JK's Skyrim. I loved it! But alas, all good things come to pass. I was having big issues entering Windhelm, then I found the individual mods for JK's cities. So, I took JK's Whiterun, Riften, and Markarth. I don't take a city mod for Windhelm at all, it alleviates any problems with Windhelm.


I would like to see modders offer individual mods, not mods put into groups.


As I typed before, I like 'Soldier of War' mod Solitude, but I also liked his rendition of Dragon Bridge. But, one cannot just take Dragon Bridge, you must take the other mods in that series. So, one must choose which mods take precedence over other mods.


My chose (?Choice?) is with LordCurse, I would much rather download his mods over Soldier of War, but I still have hopes of someone to create an independent mod of Dragon Bridge. One thing that I feel is so good about LordCurse city and village mods are;

  • they are individual mods of the towns and cities.
  • You can pick and choose which mods you want,
  • which town mods you wish to use for that particular game.


I must elaborate on my (own) gameplay, (since) some people will not enjoy hearing this because it makes it sound so restrictive, but these are my beliefs.


I am a male, I don't play females. I have tried playing females, it just isn't me. I have tried playing all the races offered in the game, but I most enjoy playing a Breton.


Bretons have a 25% magic resistance, and when I boost my Alteration high enough to get 30% magic resistance, and I enchant my Armored Clothing I can have about 90% total magic resistance. I have found that if you have !00% magic resistance, the dragons will usually fly around you and then fly off without fighting. So, I only take 90%, that way the dragons can breathe on me and I'll only get minimal damage, then they must land, where they met their demise.


When I first started playing, I used enchanted weapons all the time, now, I never do! At high levels, I use a 'Black Mammouth Recurve Bow', as per "Better Bows". It's improved greatly, but no enchantments. I also have a Dragonbone Dagger, which is also improved.


When I was a teenager, I had a horse and I rode him as much as I could, but then little boys grow into bigger boys.


In the game of Skyrim, I don't own a horse and I never have. Yes, one can travel faster by the use of a horse when you use a road. I don't use roads, I travel cross country. Where I travel, only a mountain goat could follow. I have trod upon just about everywhere in Skyrim, no track or trail guides me, only my insatiable wanderlust. Besides, you cannot fight on horseback and if you get into a skirmish, you feel abligated obligated in defending the horse.


When it comes to selecting personal homes for the character, I choose a modest home with everything I need, nothing fancy. My chose (choice) is 'Arcadia's Farm', which is located near the stables in Whiterun.


I have always wondered the reasoning behind the fact that if there are guard barracks in a village, then don't you think there would be at least an anvil there. You know, for the repair or creation of weapons or armor. There would be at least that, probably a workbench and grindstone also. A smelter would only be in a major city or a village that operates a working mine, smelters were uncommon in the old world. That's why it was surprising to see in the unmodded version of Skyrim, Solitude didn't have a smelter! That was indeed strange.


Another thing that I find that is strange in this game is that in the old days of civilization, all the cities, towns, villages or hamlets were cramped and crowded. Housing was crowded, very crowded. People were stacked upon each other, there little room to move or live. So, when I view Skyrim it seems as though the creators didn't think of too much realism when they designed this game, or maybe they did and figured it's just a game! Why do modders design city and town mods that include watchtowers, but have no soldiers that occupy those same positions? Doesn't that make the watchtowers ineffective or a waste of the town's resources?


I (also) use many small mods, over 125 mods, and currently, only use about 155 mbs of space on my Xbox. I don't feel I have to fill it full of mods that are unnecessary to my way of playing.


Oh, I forgot the use of grass mods. I would love to use grass mods like Verdant, that one I really like, but there is a problem. The grass mods create big issues with my house mod, Arcadia's Farm. Verdant and all the other grass mods obscure the garden plots, so I don't take any grass mods.


I'm very selective in which mods I prefer. I don't like playing as a werewolf, so I don't do the Champion's Quest. I would rather play as a member of the Silver Hand, and hunt down all the werewolves! Also, I will not play as a vampire either, but I will hunt them down and plunge a stake through their hearts; they are worthy adversaries.


I usually find the 'Stones of Barenziah' and then go after the 'Crown of Barenziah' first. After that, I'll do the Thieves Guild lesser quests, the ones to elevate the status of the guild. When that is done, I usually get bored and start a new game with some different mods that just came out. I don't even do the game's main quest or the Dragonborn DLC.


As for the Hearthfire, I think it's lame! I don't care for it. I would much rather construct a small keep or tower, even a small defensible stronghold tucked away in a remote place with a view of any approach of hostiles that want to attack your abode. You could also create it so that bandits and/or creatures attack it periodically, so one must repair it and build better defenses constantly. Just a thought. So, what do you think? Well, I got to rest now, see ya!


FWIW... I took the liberty of chopping up his run-on sentence post and correcting a couple of mispellings here and there. Maybe that's a bit more readable Algabar. Not all of us have command of article structure. (boring anecdote follows)


Even though I attended k-12 school faithfully until the last day of 12th grade, I had to get my GED due to failing that aspect of highschool (communications, fwiw, and all the way back to 9th grade frankly, even though my SAT score with no prep whatsoever was a bit above 1250) , then after trying to "clear my name" by going to community college for a year, got accepted into a "4 year" college and went on to achieve degrees in physics and engineering and a minor in psych. I play a half dozen musical instruments, spent a decade at NASA as an engineer, designed test equipment used by the likes of Parker Hannifin and Boeing while working in industrial engineering following that stint, and while working in a university shortly before my NASA venture, participated in R&D work for (among others) the US army and Navy, and have taught myself several programming languages over the years, all based on one semester of Fortan 77 in 1982 (or maybe it was 1983, I can't remember any more) .


For the record, I wrote almost exactly like that 35 years ago, before I met that singular teacher in college English 101 (my third time through the course that I had dropped twice before due to my inabilities) who finally got through my block.. ok., partially got through... I still ramble far too often)


many edits for content and spelling and grammar.



PS. to the OP. that's what he means by breaking it up into paragraph, or at least something like what I just did in my quoted section. Break your thoughts into digestable, associated bites.


Also, I agree, much as I enjoyed the horses early in the game, i found myself defending them too often, and worse, once you ride one, it gets teleported with you when you fast travel, which imo is completely annoying., So I've stopped using them altogether. Wish I could unsaddle the two I own and set them free. They just stand outside the Whiterun and Rifken stables waiting for me...looking forlorn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I knew how to put in a paragraph form, I would, but I don't! I'm sorry I can't live up to your standards, maybe I should just refrain from typing my thoughts if I am to be criticized for my grammar. That's why people stay quiet and just read other people's posts rather than finding faults and being judged. Don't worry, I won't post anything again! Good Luck!

Dude, not being a smartass. But you type say four or 5 lines. Then hit the ENTER KEY. Notice it adds a space. Hit it Twice then type another 4 5 0r 6 lines. Repeat... It's much easier for someone to read like that.


Another thing, you can EDIT your original post, using the Edit button. You got 2 posts here on the same sorta topic. Eventually you'll get some admin action by overdoing that.. imho. Friendly advice sir.


Lastly, Please don't get mad at people here trying to help you. They don't mean anything personal, like HadToRegister tried to tell you. Really, I personally hate that you would quit posting here cause of a misunderstanding. This is a old game, we love to see people playing it still. :)

Edited by c0ax599
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