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Strange bug with enemy respawns


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Sometimes enemies will respawn as if they are dead. They lay on the floor in "defeated" state and have no AI. They do not respond or move, but I can target them and kill them. I cannot loot the bodies after they die. I've never had this before. It started around installing Fusion Rising, but I removed that mod after completing it and it still happens. The first time I noticed it was around Fusion City entrance with the SoA all lying dead (but alive) around the entrance. But I've had this happen in random other locations around the commonwealth such as Gunners Plaza and Neponset Park as well. It seems this doesn't happen the first time I clear an area, but only with enemies respawning. It's like they don't completely respawn.


Anyone know what this is?

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you may need to post your load order, so that we can see what mods you've got and see if we can pick up on anything with a mod conflict.

First thing to do tho would be to ask if it's any specific enemies, or all of them in general, or just sporadically.

And is it with any kind of weapon, in particular.


If you don't know how to post your load order, here's an easy way.

Copy your plugins.txt file.


C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Fallout4\ Plugins.txt

yourusername will be whatever you use to log into the computer.


Double click it, and it'll open in whatever editor you have assigned for txt files. Usually notepad by default.

Then press the CTRL key and hold it down. Now tap the A key. That will highlight everything in the file.

Now, still holding the CTRL key, tap the C key. That will copy everything that is highlighted.


Now, you can just paste the text into a post here on the forums. CTRL key + V key.

[Edit] I mis-read what was going on. Disregard. Thanks for the correction Aeons! :)

Edited by StormWolf01
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This has nothing to do with mods. Seems to be a vanilla issue that occurs rarely with freezing enemies. I never had this before because I never used freezing weapons. I can post my load order, but I doubt it will be of much use.


It's all enemies that can be frozen. So humans, mirelurks, synths. But not mirelurk queens or behemoths and such. And in this game it pretty much happens all the time I use it, but it's kind of hard to tell, because the freezing legendary effect only occurs on crit. Now I do use overdrive sometimes so that triggers it almost everytime on an enemy. That's why all enemies at Fusion City were like this.



*ACS Master.esm

*Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000.esp
*Motoko Hair.esp
*LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
*AA Lots More Settlers and Enemies.esp
*DV-No Levelled Vertibirds.esp
*DV-Very Durable Vertibirds.esp
*ACS Master.esp
*ACS Paintings.esp
*ABP Paintings.esp
*The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
*Eli_TERA Rogue Mashup.esp
*Chameleon No Sound.esp
*Knucklesboosted v2 LL.esp
*Armorsmith Extended.esp
*Assaultron Junk Parts.esp
*Grim ZeroSuitSamusCamo.esp
*Grim ZeroTwo.esp
*Grim ZeroSuitSamus.esp
*Grim ZeroSuitSamusCola.esp
*NiTeNull - Shade Girl Leather Outfits.esp
*Caravan Guards in Leathers.esp
*Thematic and Practical.esp
*Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
*Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
*Wall Oil Lamps.esp
*Grassy Nuka Valley.esp
*Girls Workshop.esp
*Assaultron Cathode.esp
*Hidden Helmets 2.0 - AE Version.esp
*DC Guards.esp
*Tactical Flashlights.esp
*Tactical Flashlights - Settings.esp
*Child Posters.esp
*Elegant Hardware.esp
*DX Commonwealth Shorts.esp
*DX Vault Girl Shorts.esp
*Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - Institute.esp
*Wasteland Water Revival - Tropical Legacy.esp
*AA 50 Ways To Die.esp
*Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp
*Scrap Everything - Core.esp
*Scrap Everything - Automatron.esp
*Scrap Everything - Far Harbor.esp
*Scrap Everything - Nuka World.esp
*Scrap Everything - Vault-Tec Workshop.esp
*Dickys Pinup Outfit.esp



Edited by AeonsLegend
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Ahhhh. Ok, I misread what was going on. So it's pretty much related to the trappings that cause the freeze effects when the NPCs are put down.

Alright, my bad. Yeah, if that's a game glitch, I'm afraid I dunno much about it.

Tho, I'm glad you brought it up. I won't be using freeze weapons now.

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Hahaha, yea. Well a fast firing weapon like the Gatling Laser or Minigun with the Freezing effect is busted anyway. If you use Overdrive with it, there's no enemy that can do anything against you because the 25% chance to crit and thus frreeze them is basically a 100% chance with these weapons. Don't know if it's a bug that is there in every game you play or if I just got unlucky this time. It's problematic to test this because you will find out only on a respawn.

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I think it was captainoob's youtube channel that I was watching a couple of days ago, where he was showcasing some of high RoF weaps that he was using to get effects like that. I think that he was using stuff more along the lines of knockdown to keep them under crowd control tho.

It was a really interesting concept. He REALLY takes game mechanics into account. (LOL and the way that he pronounces his " i " vowels is actually pretty funny!)


Like I said, I'm really not having any ideas what might be causing the bug that you're talking about, cus I don't know enough about the freeze mechanics. But if there's a method of crowd control that might let you use a method that doesn't bug out, I'm checking into that.


I do know that there's a mod floating around somewhere that turns crits into paralysis. If you're interested, I'll try to find it for ya.

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Just went back to Gunners Plaza where they were "playing dead" before. New situation: they now don't lay on the floor, but are standing still in their spawn location. I can walk through them, they don't do anything. After I kill them I can loot them as normal. Maybe after another kill their AI will kick back in. I kind of forgot to hit them with TAI command to see if that made a difference. I'll try that next time.


There's other CC in the game that's pretty strong. It's staggering. The Gatling Laser on it's own staggers normal enemies. Gamma Gun has crazy stagger on it's own. Both can stunlock enemies. I'm currently rocking a Radiated Gamma Gun that deals over 400 damage per hit. It's set to automatic, so every VATs hit has 3 shots (1200 radiation damage) so that's an instakill to any non radiation immune enemy. Love to use that thing vs Legendary enemies and pop them.

Edited by AeonsLegend
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I had an idea, that sadly, I can't implement. What if, you were to install a mod that added a workshop to the area. One of those portable workshop type mods.

Combined with a settlement scrapping mod that lets you scrap corpses. Scrap the dead bodies, leave...come back 48 game hours later, and retest the area?

This of course on a test savegame, not your regular save.


I'm thinking a scenario like this. Create a new save in game as the test game. Move your other saves out of the save folder, just in case of bleed over. Open the test save, walk in, use the kill all console command til everything is dead again. Then plop the portable workshop. Try to scrap the corpses. If it works, leave the area, sleep in a seperate cell for 48 game hours, then return to see if the cell respawns correctly.

Now, the known issue there, is that you would have to manually remove the workshop, before uninstalling the mod. Otherwise you could cause further bugs. But I wonder if that might be something worth trying out?


yes, stagger is another really good one. Knockdown also, tho it generally means having to reacquire the target. stun is ok too, to me the effect isn't long enough.

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Just went back to Gunners plaza. Still the same. Tried the TAI command, but that didn't do anything. Tried recycling them. This just put them back on the ground dead. It just seems that the frozen status is now permanent with them.


I don't think scrapping them will work. These areas have fixed IDs that respawn. If the base is affected they will respawn with the same issues.

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