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You got it. I'll stick around. PM me when it's all done and if it's "feasible." I'll still be happy to join. Your idea is very intriguing.


As for ideas, perhaps the port towns you come across can hire the player as a strongarm on trade boats and sometimes may be attacked by priates out at sea? The player and crew would have to defend the cargo and personnel and the reward could depend on how many crew members survived.


Just a thought.


Of course, that might be rather difficult to accomplish, but the vanilla quest "An Unexpected Voyage" might eb a good starting point. Teleport the ship to an empty ocean cell and have an enemy ship nearby with hostiles on board. I'll think of more stuff eventually.

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Ever play Actraiser?


In that game you raised a village(of sorts), and in-between, you would fight through levels to conquer new lands, so you could build more villages. I think that concept could be applied here. Certian "zones" of the island would be unavailable for settlement until you took out that area's resident "boss". After that, settlements would be allowed to flourish there. I know you wanted to keep fighting down to a mininum, but I would like to see this idea implemented. Just another option out there on the proverbial "table" for you to consider.


Thanks for reading and good day to you.



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I'd LOVE to help, but I'd probably be best working with someone who's already started a side quest... Giving thoughts an all that jazz. message me if you need anything
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Repeating myself (for the ??th time), I won't give my opinion on particular ideas, mostly because I don't have one.


But I am very glad to quote myself from my previous post:

. . ., most of the ideas presented in the thread so far, helped me determining 'features' for the engine.

I guys just proved me right, as your suggestions carried concepts that I am adding to my list of 'potential features' for the mod.


1) beneath henrydossle's pirates I see the concept of an event that randomizes the initial resources the player starts with. Like the [variable] remaining crew and cargo after an attack, or something similar applied to one of the other starts suggested previously.


2) apocalypse1138's zones are also a nice concept. With some pre-req to move in. Maybe just the player scouting the area, maybe building a road, or maybe a more violent conquest may be acceptable for the initial taming of the island.


I will keep them in mind. Thanks.


And, Danuve_Coil, thanks for the offer. When the time comes, I will post here and make sure I let you know.

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I have a suggestion. With all these oblivion gates,opening and closing lately.What if one of them opened into Sigil the city of doors? Imagine citizens flowing into Tamriel only to discover that there is no key to return. Also remember that Sigil is composed of all different factions.Sensates,Dustmen,Mercykillers,all angry/happy for having been stranded here. Now you could divide the island accordingly.Rebuild the Hive.Rebuild the Foundry.Rebuild the Civic Feasthall. Think of the irony,Planescape Torment could be alive and well in Oblivion.
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If possible you should add some custom real world animations, cooking bowel movements, eating, drinking, sex, sleeping, writing, ect.
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JediWelder, I am afraid I don't know what you are talking about. I suppose you refer to some game I am not familiar with. Therefore I will hardly get that much exited with porting it into Oblivion. If it is a strategy game and has an interesting concept that fits within my initial ideas (first post), I would be glad to hear about it.


Pwnedbyscope, I thought about that at the very beginning, but soon people mentioned CraftyBits and NPC with Jobs. They add a lot of such activities to the PC and NPCs. I am planning to get in touch with them further down the road to get permission to include some of their work here, as applicable. This would be cool.

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Qqix, I still believe that my idea could be a useful resource for you. Please Google Planescape Torment. There is also a demo that you can download if you like. Here are some sidequest ideas for Evenor,using my concept.

Quest: What is to be done with the gate to Sigil? Should the PC try to destroy it? Anything or nothing could happen. Should the PC try to study it indefinatly,while leaving it open for more and more refugees to enter Cyrodiil? Should the PC try to bury it, hoping that it will close on it`s own? How will this effect Evenor? What will the refugees do? How will this effect Sigil? Will it be an act of war or an oppritunity to empty Curst Prison?

Please tell me if you like this idea. I have more to offer if you do.

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Qqix, here is another one.

Quest:Each Faction has something positive to offer the community.Dustmen have zombies for tireless labor.Mordrons can build clockwork machines.Godsmen are by far the best craftsmen.Sensates are the finest designers and artists.How will the PC bargin with each Faction to get it`s contribution? How will the PC insure co-operation and fairness without choosing a side?

Quest:Each Faction wants it`s own culture center.Dustmen want a Mausoleum,Godsmen want a Foundry,Sensates want a Civic Feasthall, the list goes on and on. Each structure is both difficult and expensive to build. How will the PC manage available resorces for this? How many Factions will fall through the cracks of fairness and become angry? And if well favored by the PC, which faction will try to dominate all others?

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Qquix, Alright just one more.

Quest:The Dabus have been busy all this time.They have repaired and restored a nearby Ayleid ruin to it`s former glory and splender, using whatever was around, mostly waste. Now every faction has laid some claim to it. The PC must decide what to do with this new Palace. If the PC keeps it for himself, the Factions will certainly demand some compensation/retribution for it. Unless of course he could somehow prove that he is the rightful owner. That intresting?

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