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Mods disappear after enabling Mulit-User, plugins still run


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Hey all,

I recently started modding (Skyrim only so far), and now my wife wants me to mod for her too. So I enabled the multi user option in Vortex, because it seemed easy. Straight after I did that, my mod list got emptied and showed the message "You don't have any mods". In my alert notifications I get the red "Mods can't be deployed" message. Plugins however are still active and when I runs sse, I can play the game without trouble and mods still active.


I stopped downloading mods just in case I screw it up somehow, anyone familiar with this?


Thanks people, CC

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That's because you switched to Multi-User, so now multiusers mode has been enabled.


If you switch back to the other mode, your mods will be back.



yeah I figured that, but how do I get them back in my list? Or will it just stay this way and that's just the way it is?



By switching back to the other mode, as I suggested.


However, if you're going to stay in Multi-User mode in order to accommodate your wife, then, don't worry about switching back to the other mode, and instead just leave Vortex in the Mulsti-User mode.

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