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(WIP) Businesses of Skyrim mod series



133 members have voted

  1. 1. What business would you like to have (pt1)

    • Archeology company
    • Shipping business
    • Library
    • Newspaper
    • Skooma den
    • Brothel
    • Tailoring business
    • Barbershop
    • Stable
    • Carpentry
  2. 2. What business would you like to have (pt2)

    • Mine
    • Bakery
    • Fishery
    • Brewery
    • Lumbermill
    • Farm
    • Enchanting shop
    • Jewelcrafting shop
    • Boatwright
    • Alchemy shop

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Businesses of Skyrim mod series







Some might know me for Jobs of Skyrim, which is a mod that give you some jobs to do in the game for better roleplay/immersion and is part of a bigger project: RPG Project of Skyrim. In the 2nd part of this project: businesses of Skyrim, places are switched, you are the employer....



Businesses of Skyrim will be a mod series that will add various businesses in Skyrim for you to buy and manage.






A little while ago, I made a topic on the Nexus Forum about what kind of business people would like to see and how would they like to manage it, the way the mod will be build will refer partly to this thread and the ideas that people put in it, and for that, I thank them very much. Now, let's go to the good stuff.



Businesses of Skyrim will contain between 5 and 10 businesses, each separated in their own esp.


Some business that will be done:


-Smuggling ring








-General store








-Special jobs


-Possibility to hire employees


-Marketing (criers in cities, flyers, word to mouth etc)


-Permanency (some of your products will be seen around)


-Expenses(salaries,taxes,broken equipments)


-Shipping system for the materials and goods





As you get yourself known, you will make more profit off of your business, you will also have plenty of things to pay if you want your business to stay successful. I intend to take a lot of time on each features so they are really well implemented and detailed.


I intend to start working on the first mod: Mordrin's Forge next week, I will update this post with the main progress as I go.




These are other businesses ideas that I received:




-alchemy shop



-enchanting shop

-jewelcrating shop





-Wheelwrights/boatwrights/carpentry shops





-Skooma den



-Export/import business (shipping)

-Archeologist company




Feel free to suggest your own, they will be added to the pools :)

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How about a hunting camp. You could choose where to set up your camp. Maybe even have the option to hire some more hunters, or use companions, that will go into a sandbox kinda mode where they go out a hunt some animals. They could bring back any pelts and meat they get, and you could sell it to people in cities.
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ideas for the smuggling ring, you could make it similar to the quest where you have to uproot the skooma dealer in riften, have them operating through a brewery/meadery with a warehouse housing the imported skooma obtained from a caravan that visits a den out side of any major city, you could also incorporate other 'illegal' ideas into the business as well, such as a fight pit, similar to the arena in oblivion, and maybe a tavern as well
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ideas for the smuggling ring, you could make it similar to the quest where you have to uproot the skooma dealer in riften, have them operating through a brewery/meadery with a warehouse housing the imported skooma obtained from a caravan that visits a den out side of any major city, you could also incorporate other 'illegal' ideas into the business as well, such as a fight pit, similar to the arena in oblivion, and maybe a tavern as well



I like the ideas for it, it would fit well with the business running, a forge can work through jobs that you do for clients, this one could work through people working for you in caravans or special meetings,there is a few other things I was thinking of using like a raid on a specific place where you would steal goods and do deals with some criminal clans (Bandit den/Thieves guild/Db could be some of them). Smuggling ring was one of the most popular ideas in the initial thread and it could be a lot of fun to make, challenging but the result could be very very nice.

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If you are interested, I am working on a similar mod, originally to be called "Become a Merchant" (to go with my Become a Bard mod) but now named Bards & Merchants. it will be a combo of both mods and is meant to flesh out those two class options in Skyrim.


Here is part of the mod description:


White River Trader (Fishmonger/General Goods)


Northland Creamery (Creamery)


The Golden Sheaf (Bakery)


Prairie Foods (Butcher/Traditional Foods)


Each store has a storyline available that will allow you to work there. You can make a little money, and you will get ownership of a small room where you can sleep and store your things. If you continue the storyline, and if you save up enough money, you may be allowed to buy the enterprise. Buying is a big investment, but then you get to keep 100% of the profits. You also get ownership of the entire residence and can move your family there.


Coming soon:


Riften Distillery (yet to be named)

Storyline: Have you ever wondered why there is plenty of mead but no hard liquor anywhere in Skyrim? Well, it seems spirits are frowned upon. Sort of a mini-prohibition. But, if you become influential enough in Riften by becoming a thane or progressing far enough in the Thieves Guild questline, you can reopen the Riften Distillery and make aquavit. If you become a thane in other holds, you can try to use your thane status to convince each jarl to let you export your aquavit to their hold.


The Blind Dragon

Storyline: A large inn/tavern near Whiterun that sits majestically atop a hill on the road that leads north toward Dawnstar. The Blind Dragon is so named because it was well-known that the tavern has a special room in the back where illegal liquor from Riften was served, but everyone turned a blind eye. The place was quite famous for a while, and some of Skyrim’s most renowned bards performed in that very room in the back. It is rumored that the previous owner crossed the jarl in some way. For whatever reason, the guards started doing raids. Eventually, the place was shuttered. If you can convince the jarl to allow you to restore the Blind Dragon to its former glory, you can own the premier tavern/inn in Skyrim. There is a workshop within where you can craft and sell musical instruments.



The basic design is that the NPC who owns the store will hire you to do certain jobs, which escalate. Eventually, you've worked there long enough that they will let you buy the place if you have the gold.


You can also marry two of the shopkeepers, in which case you become the owner of the store (along with the NPC). The two NPC shopkeepers you can't marry are Ronan Gray-Mane (who owns Prairie Foods) and Tilda Battle-Born (who owns The Golden Sheaf).


When you own the store, you have to keep it stocked, and then you can go to the counter and choose to work for a set amount of time. The time passes instantly (like supernastypants did it in the BYOH mod), and the script calculates what you sold and how much you earned based on your inventory.


Let me know if you are interested in collaborating.

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