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May 24


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Since I most likely won't be around tomorrow and the weekend, (well I'll be here tomorrow during business class :D lol)... I would like to wish everyone a great May 24,... don't drink to much, and most of all :P DRIVE SAFE!
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Must be a Canadian/British thing... Tomorrow we have "Do As We Say!" Day here in the States, and partying is strictly forbidden; Started by German immigrants, and enforced by John Ashcroft. ;)

Don't you mean every week?


Oh, and, uh, happy weird party week?

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It's not JUST for parties :P Fireworks and everything too... It is a holiday... but I dont know the history behind it lol, I just know I like partying :P
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Birthday of some monarch
It's not just any Monarch,it's the Queen of England! I like this day,mainly due to the fact that I get to be lazy and and do nothing all day. God bless the queen!
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...hmm...victoria eh?................................................................must have forgotten about it (i live in victoria, melbourne)


gee, the world almost has a day for everything, before you know it, we'll be celebrating the nuking of hiroshima...i know i will :D

(not in a racist way)

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