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Is Fallout 4 in the Matrix?


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Yea. I really dislike those kinds of things. If the whole "matrix" idea is not actually part of the story that drives the whole thing, but more like a gimmick saying "OMG but... THIS tadaa!" then I'm out. Lazy writing. Done to death. It's called the "it was just a dream" trope. Just like the "It's not real it's all in your head and you have to overcome XYZ to wake up" trope. They even did it in the Titan's series. What a ff-ing bummer.


I remember that in Star Ocean 3 it was revealed that the entire universe of SO was actually a self sustaining video game created by other people and that really pissed off a lot of players.


So no, not for me.

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Ok, so I've got different angles on this. There's been all kinds of theories about what is going on inside Nate and/or Nora's head(s) while they are inside the freezer. There's a lot of theories posted in the "Is Nora a synth?" Thread.


Vats causing PA drain on the core. 1) It's a game mechanic. It's meant to try to balance out the power armor by making more stuff drain the cores faster than they already do just by wearing the armor. 2) It can be explained away by thinking about it as a part of the targeting system built into the armors. Which is gonna suck down electricity, and is gonna drain the core.

Now, this doesn't explain why a pip boy doesn't drain energy, but hey.... it's just a game.


It's just a game. Made by a developer who doesn't allow their devs to give enough time to fully develop game. There is ALWAYS all kinds of holes in Beth games, for this very reason.

Not only that, it's a literary trick. Some authors will intentionally leave holes or gaps in a storyline, so as to further involve the reader's imagination. And from a game developer standpoint, it allows the devs to fill those gaps either with a later game, or thru DLC material. (Which yeah.... definitely not Beth's particular angle there for the latter...)


Is it all just a dream? Who knows.

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