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How to check mod version without mod manager?

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I got a new computer and of course I have to install all the mods again. However! I don't know which version of f4se i had. I do not know how to check which version other than loading up a mod supported by it. Of course NMM is fresh so it can't detect the mods( detected the plugins tho?).



Basically I have a looksmenu mod. I wanted to use that to figure which f4se i had.

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In Oblivion the very first line in the file obse.log tells you the version number ... I would guess that f4se would have the same info in it's log file (f4se.log perhaps?).

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Heyas Keiji. You really should have come over to the fallout 4 boards to ask us about this. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=3485,3500 rather than in a general section of the forums.

f4se is very version number specific. An older version of f4se will NOT work with a later version of the game than it is made for. Therefore, you have to have the latest version of it, if you have the latest version of the game. Which, if you installed the game thru steam, you will have version .163 of the game. f4se for this game version is 0.6.20 http://f4se.silverlock.org

Looksmenu will also have to be updated as well. As the older versions of it doesn't work with the latest version of f4se.


Another thing that you are going to run into, is that if you play with a lot of older mods, they may not work with the new game version because of changes that bethesda made to the game. If you're playing older mods, you need to install this. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42497

which... ironically...is ALSO a f4se plugin, LOL.


[Edit] "Older mods" refers to anything published before November 17, 2019 [/edit]

But yeah, come by and see us in the fallout4 forums! Most of us are nice, helpful people, and we even have some of the really good modders come through to post periodically.

Edited by StormWolf01
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