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Newly made mods no longer load in-game


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So recently, i redid my modlist for fallout 4 then started a new game. However, when attempting to create an npc for a mod like i always have, it didn;t show up in my game. After testing, no mods i make or edit will load into fo4, despite being able to before, and them definitely being ticked in MO2.

I know the mods work as intended because I've shared with friends who have the mod actually load and function.

Any known reason for something like this?

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heyas arciian. There's a few things that pop into my head about what might be going on. Let's start with the easiest ones first.


Let's check your plugins.txt file. C:\Users\yourusernamehere\AppData\Local\Fallout4\ it's just a .txt file, so it should open easy enough with notepad.

1) Check to make sure that your mods are listed there in that file.

1a) Make sure that they have an asterisk * in front of the name of the mods, to denote that they are set for active. LIke this- *Mymodname.esp

2) if neither of the above are there, right click on the file in your folder, choose properties, then look to see if the file is marked as Read Only. If it IS, then untick it.


If every thing there checks out, we at least know that they are registering correctly.


The other thing that pops into my mind is that you may be using a version of the CK or Xedit, that isn't fully compatible with your game version.

Is your game updated to version .162 or .163? If so, then you will need to update your CK through steam also. Or download the newest version of Xedit. Depending on which tool you use.

Now, if the reverse is true, and you're still running a pre Nov. 17 2019 version of the game, and you're running a newer version of either of those programs you can downgrade back to Xedit earlier versions, but not so much in regards to the CK.


Now, you can manually edit the parts of the mod to make it compatible with the newer or older version, by changing the header information. If the mod is made for an older version of the game, the header version should read 0.95xxx If it's made for a newer version of the game, it should read 1.0xx.

Here's a tutorial on how to change the header version number.



Got to work on older version by chaging file header from 1.000000 to 0.950000

But it will mean that you will have to download and install Xedit. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2737/ or open the mods in the CK.
I don't use the CK, so I can only tell you how to do it in Xedit.
Before doing this, make backup copies of the esp/esm/esl files that you are going to edit, just in case!!
After installing Xedit (also I apologize, I almost always typo this as "exit". So I'll apologize in advance if I do, and miss it!)
it will bring up a list of ALL your installed mods. Press the CTRL key and tap the A key on your keyboard to highlight the entire list. Uncheck ONE mod in the list, and since they are all highlighted it will uncheck all of them. Now, single click one of the mods in the list, to undo the highlight all. Now, put check marks next to the mods that we need to update. Then click Okay, or Load (can't remember what the button says, atm.)
That will take a minute or two.
Once it loads all the files for the mods, you will see them listed in the left hand panel. They will have a + sign beside their name. Click on the + to expand the list for that mod. You will then see a file that says HEADER. Click on that, and it will open in the right hand side panel.
You're going to want to look for the version number. If the mod hasn't been updated, it will most likely read something close to
You will want to right click that version number, choose edit, and type in
I recommend using copy and paste. Especially since you will be doing this at least 3 times).
Also, a big popup is going to spring up, asking if you're sure that you want to make changes to the file. Don't freak out, that's just Xedit doing a double check, it's perfectly normal.
Once you have that mod edited, you will have to do the same thing with the next mod. Rinse and repeat until all three have been updated.
When you're finished updating the headers, press and hold your CTRL key, and tap the S key. That will have xedit save the changes to the files.

Now obviously, if you're running a pre 162 or 163 version of the game, you want the headers reading the 0.95 xxx. 1.0xxx if you're running the latest version.
Hope this helps!
Edited by StormWolf01
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