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What weapons would you like for your companions?


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Only one I've traveled with for any length of time has been Nick Valentine, and I just ended up giving him an Automatic Laser Pistol because, well, it was in my inventory, I was low on carrying capacity, and whatever it was he'd been using before that was completely ineffective.


Now, as long as I keep him topped up on batteries, he routinely sprays down super mutants and raiders with relative ease.


As for the weapon I've used alongside it, well, Danse gave me a nice laser rifle, I made it automatic and put a recoil-compensating stock on it, and it seems to do the job well enough. If it seems like Nick's having trouble, I'll pass it over to him when I find something new.


Really wish I could find a good plasma shotgun...

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  • 1 month later...

"Recoil" and "Laser" have never sat well with me. :D Why would a beam of light cause recoil??


Maybe it's not the beam of light, but the reaction required to create that beam of light?

This is an alternate universe afterall - one that supposedly never developed the integrated circuit.

You essentially see what looks like Atari monitors for computer screens....

10mm Pistols that look like small suitcases....

I try to give it what it deserves, a game where I need to step back from reality - that is 200+ years into the future that hasn't embraced our own reality.

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"Recoil" and "Laser" have never sat well with me. :D Why would a beam of light cause recoil??


Maybe it's not the beam of light, but the reaction required to create that beam of light?

This is an alternate universe afterall - one that supposedly never developed the integrated circuit.

You essentially see what looks like Atari monitors for computer screens....

10mm Pistols that look like small suitcases....

I try to give it what it deserves, a game where I need to step back from reality - that is 200+ years into the future that hasn't embraced our own reality.


Yeah, alternate universe, and all that. :) Which includes what is essentially 'magic' for some effects. (legendary effects) While it may not even be remotely close to our reality, I still very much enjoy the games. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

You could just run with them and check different options. For example Nick is skilled with pistols but profane with rifles, so I give him mighty advanced western revolver with scope and he kicks asses hard. Cait is ok with some really big club to punch stuff. Danse is a terminator with charging barrel gatling laser. Mccready and strong both can use gauss rifles. Hancock helped me much in the glowing sea with wounding advanced shotgun. So it just takes practice and time to reveal your companion pecularities and preferences. And never froget a good suit of armor for them.


The general rule for npc weapons is that they are better with big stocks and long scopes, which is unlike the player weapons that should always keep in mind vats.

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