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So, apparently, the people who made "Twinkies" have gone bust.


Now, not being from the US, I do not know what one is. I see them mentioned in movies, TV and games quite often, but I honestly do not have the slightest clue what a "Twinkie" actually is. I know what one looks like, but that's literally where my knowledge ends.


What is it?

What is it made of?

What does it taste like?

What does it smell like?

What does it do?

Do I kill it quickly before it breeds?


HAAAAALP!!!! lol

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It's a creme filled cake type product sold in convenience stores. It tastes like an artificially creme filled cake confection (light fluffy, full of enough sugar to send an elephant in to shock). It doesn't smell like much of anything to be honest, most artificial snack foods are very lacking in the smell area, there's a faint hint of cake scent to it but you'd get a much stronger smell from a freshly baked bit of confection.


You eat it.


Twinkies are often thought of as post apocalyptic wonder food because thanks to their artificial everything and being packed full of preservatives they have a shelf life that is often estimated in decades. Which would make them the single tastiest American food item expected to survive even a nuclear attack.


In short sir: you can not kill a twinkie. At this point I suspect some of the nuttier preppers are hoarding as many of the things as they can get their hands on. Even though the company is going bust if the world takes an actual turn for the worst - the twinkies will likely survive us all :ohdear:

Edited by Oubliette
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dry cake type food with some kind of frosty type filing - think of it like a really fluffy bread that's laid out while raw, spread the filling down the entire thing and then roll it.

to me it's like biting into sawdust, but l guess people like them. they don't use enough filling tho. it smells...sweet.

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Thank you for the information :D


The link M48A5 posted was quite interesting. The last line or two cracked me up lol


So, I think I understand what they are (were?) now. I'm pretty sure we have similar things in this country (UK), one that pops to mind is this cheap cake roll thing you can buy from some supermarkets that comes in a pack of 5 or so. Often the "cake" part (I'm pretty sure they have never even been anywhere NEAR cake in reality) is flavoured with chocolate or raspberry. They are not nice though... Sort of like eating a mini, deformed Swiss roll that's been through a tumble drier then sat on for hours lol


Differences and indeed similarities like this between countries fascinates me.

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Wow, I had no idea Kenner were dino as well...

Kenner Products: Originally founded in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1947 by brothers Albert, Phillip and Joseph Steiner, Kenner Products was a toy company best known it its early years for producing the Bubble-Matic Gun and the Easy Bake Oven. While the company was purchased by General Mills in 1967, the brand continued on, and its profits soared in the 1970s and '80s thanks to the success of its line of Star Wars-related toys. The brand was acquired in 1987 by the Tonka Corp., which eventually was purchased by Hasbro in 1991. In the following years, the Kenner brand was folded into the Hasbro toy lines, and in 2001, the name was erased for good when its Cincinnati operations were officially closed
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As an Australian taking a trip into America, in the name of science one day, I decided it was my duty to try one of these Twinkies I had heard so much about. In short, I don't mourn their demise, they were some next level state of sugary horribleness.
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Perhaps Twinkies will emerge in a 'new improved form' but of course even then the old icon product will be gone. As an Australian I have never eaten a Twinkie but I suspect we have similar snack foods here that are, probably, also going out of fashion. I heard of Twinkies many times over the years as part of US culture and it will be odd not to hear of it again except in some kind of nostalgic fashion.
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