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That stupid Piper's face problems in game (Looksmenu)


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Anyone can help me with that freakin problem? I'm done already, checked all what i know about this situation: used face mods to take her face stable, used SLM in large variations, used faceripper. In every f***in time, when I first time loading save she getting that face and I must to use SLM on her again. How to stop that face changing?
How he looking with my preset:

U06Ct6M.jpgAnd how she looking after loading when I logining in game again:


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I''m not sure, but I don't think you can fix it. It's something with her face that makes it apply this every time you load a game. Curie is also kind of weird because you need to apply it to her base id instead of her ref id in order for it to work. Perhaps this works on Piper too, but I'm not sure.

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This is wierd. There's another thread today with problem's of having piper not looking right.


post the links to the mods required for this preset, I wanna see what's involved here.


btw, you wanna remove those pics. nudity isn't allowed on the open forums.

Edited by StormWolf01
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Nothing to do with the mods. Piper is different from other NPC's. I think her id tries to revert back to her old looks when you load a game. So when you make changes to it she looks strange after loading a game. There's many topics on this on the internet since the game was released.

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Nothing to do with the mods. Piper is different from other NPC's. I think her id tries to revert back to her old looks when you load a game. So when you make changes to it she looks strange after loading a game. There's many topics on this on the internet since the game was released.

Hmm. I see.

Ok, did not know this. I play around a bit with them using looksmenu, but for the most part, I usually make esp's for making any kind of permanent change to the companions. Thanks for letting me know Aeons!


So are the companions this buggy in Skyrim?

I mean, we have Curie who bugs out if you change her hair, once she's a synth. We have Codsworth who bugs out if you put a hat on him. We have dogmeat that has... well...all kinds of issues, this, with Piper...


I remember the companions in Morrowind were a lot better than this. Oh wait. Those were ALL made by MODDERS. Not bethesda. OH gee, what was I thinking? LOL

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Hi Destro - Ok, the member who was also having this problem figured out what was causing it, in their game.

Their problem, was that they had a piper preset esp already installed in their game, and then tried using a looksmenu preset on top of it.

Which makes sense, because when the game boots up, it's going to load the preset .esp file, and then try to apply it's changes, as the game starts.

Then, when you load the save, which has the looksmenu preset info in it.... well... that's what was happening when it couldnt get the two together. For them.


You might check your load order, and check to see if you have any mods that affect piper and disable it while running that looksmenu preset.

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  • 5 months later...

I know this is a few months old but it's Piper's unique facebones annoyingly if you looksmenu slm a face onto her n game it messes up on load same issue as Preston, I'm not sure if there is a way to change Piper's facebones to prevent this however.

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