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Ugly pixelated sun, need help.


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I'm confused as to why you have Realistic lightning mod when CoT and Sharpshooters already have their own custom lights?

Make sure you're using the correct binary for sharpshooter also. i used sharpshooters for a long time and usually w/e pixalation occured it was bc of a binary preset


Because RLO is much better on interior lights than CoT is. They are tailored to be compatible.

Sharpshooter doesn't add any lights.

I never heard of a pixelation because of a binary preset (what is that anyway ;)) kindly explain what you mean so it's useful for people.

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Your ENB uses a Binary from Boris. and when someone makes a enb they are making it with a specific binary. that's not to say you have to use it, you can use another one to suit your taste or maybe you just like some features one preset has and another doesn't. But the author made that enb with that specific preset so when you start using different ones you can get completely different results. i will try and get some screen shots of what i mean.

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I know how ENB works, no need for that.

Btw binary presets is not what affects it, it's the .fx files which change a lot between versions that will mess stuff up.


ENB's ini files are rebuild when you drop in another binary file (missing features are added). The .fx files however are not and will mess stuff up completely if the code inside has changed between the versions.

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I have this exact same issue, and I've run in to it with several different ENB's (including sharpshooter). If someone more knowledgeable than myself is still paying attention, I'd be happy to upload my mod listing or anything else that might help. Thanks in advance,

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