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Barrett m82 Sniper Rifle


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I find that its typically a good idea to read an entire post before going on a rant about it ;) .

And you might notice that offered plenty of suggestions to make the M82 balanced for the game, I was also leaning toward making it do 60-80 damage as apposed to the 200. And despite the fact that fallout was clearly not made to be super realistic, theres a huge difference between firing off a minigun from the hip, and a M2, with a minigun its true, you would have to be braced, but I doubt you could even hold on to an M2 if you tried firing from the hip, no matter what was bracing you.


Anyways, why dont we ask Jaysus or someone to texture it? I bet it wouldn't be too tough for him.


Edit: spelling



Read a previous post of mine in this topic, i posted a few youtube videos of people firing an m82 while standing, There is a reason why they put a recoil dampening spring on the barrel and a massive muzzle break.


Lets please keep this discussion on topic. The details are just details, and guys....seriously. If you dont like the power of a certain weapon, its very easy to change it yourself in the construction set (or the GECK). Ive changed countless mods for my own use by tweaking 1 or 2 small things with it. (never re releasing them of course) basically it takes 2 seconds to change a mod to how you like it


SO at the end of the day, all that matters is that we get one in the game. and then you can download it, and modify it as you please.

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The model that Hammonds and i worked on has been MOSTLY UV'd. it can be found in a previous post of mine in this topic. It needs to have its UV's finished and textured, and then placed in game.


Vashts has given rumors and teasers that he is currently working on one. Other details are unknown.

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1) The Megaton nuke doesn't actually wipe out the entire wasteland. You should mod it so it blinds you, then the searing heat ignites your clothing and your flesh begins to boil, and then finally the blast crushes your torso before Tenpenny Tower collapses, and the game is over.


2) Radiation sickness is incurable. Remove RadAway and Rad-X. In addition, even a very mild dose of radiation have a very good chance of killing you as you die of infection, cancers, and organ failure - higher doses just ensure you will eventually fall over a die faster. The ultimate reality tweak, forcing you to completely avoid radiation. Whoops, you drank contaminated water! Now, every thirty minutes, you have to stop for a few minutes to get your breath, throw up, or spit out a few teeth.


3) Players can only carry two items, one in each hand. They obviously don't have a backpack, so why should they be able to carry more? Where exactly is this missile launcher being stored?


4) Delete 90% of the objects in the wasteland. Do you seriously think wooden houses are going to be standing 200 years after getting hit with a nuclear weapon?


5) The player is instantly blinded once they step out of the Vault. Permanently.



First, I'd like to apologize for how off-topic this post is within the context of this thread, but I really felt compelled to address these points:


1) There's no telling what the yield of the Megaton bomb was. Nor is there any telling the actual distance that is supposed to exist between the Tenpenny tower and Megaton. Most nuclear weapons in our current US arsenal are very, very small and would only be deployed well into the sub-megaton range if they were actually dropped on target. The Soviets built a few much larger nukes than we did, but the tendency for delivering many much smaller warheads is a strategic premise that has been reflected amongst all existing nuclear powers that possess any kind of trans-continental delivery system. Thus, the Megaton bomb was probably much smaller than a full megaton.. and assuming it was an implosion based fission weapon as its 'Fat Man' configuration suggests, it is likely that sitting 200+ years had deteriorated the detonation system a great deal and thus it was an imperfect and nonideal overall reaction when it was triggered, which would have significantly reduced its total yield.

Anyone looking directly at the blast without significant eye protection would have likely had vision damage, however, and there would have been some fallout & radiation exposure depending on how completely the fissile material reacted and how much would have just been ejected into the ground thanks to the Megaton bomb's placement deep in a crater already.



2) You should do more research.

There have been IV-based antiradiation medications for quite some time, usually used to counteract heavier-duty radiation therapies administered to cancer patients.

I'm no doctor or pharmacologist but as I understand it, radioactive materials are attracted to the cocktail in your bloodstream and the active parts of the medication bind with the radioactive material, where it is filtered out of your blood and passed on through urine. There are also parts of the cocktail that help reverse/mitigate the damage done by radioactivity to your body on a cellular level. But obviously this means it has to be administered as soon as possible after the initial exposure.

They can be hell on your system, especially with the more extreme versions that are used almost exclusively by the DOE, and subteams/organizations like NEST, etc (and similar agencies in friendly countries) and only indicated to for use after direct and extreme exposure. Which is to say, it'll give you a chance at survival but is far from a guarantee. Also, most of the long-term issues caused by mild exposure could have been prevented with a similar treatment if the victim knew they had been exposed and received appropriate treatment for it - note the lack of long-term radioactive exposure problems in cancer patients that have been directly irradiated, even in the early days when radiation therapy wasn't nearly as precise of an art as it is now.

I'd also like to point out that the game takes place with tech development ending in 2077, considering that 60 years ago we'd barely figured out antibiotics I don't think its much of a stretch to expect more effective antiradiation medications that have few if any side effects to exist ~70 years from now.


3) Now you're just being ridiculous for the sake of sparking an argument.


4) Not everywhere got directly hit by nuclear weapons. Most of the damage from the terrible bombs dropped on Japan was caused by the fires that raged on afterwards through the periphery of ground zero. That aside, its not much of a stretch to expect to see the shells of structures, even wooden ones. There's the walls of a 300+ year old wooden cabin on a ranch where my Dad used to take me hunting, and I'm certain that there's plenty of newer wooden houses that enjoyed vastly superior construction quality than that rickety thing.


5) Human eyes are still human eyes. A couple weeks with proper goggles would allow their eyes to adjust in most cases. I even asked my optometrist this same question when Fallout 1 was released so many years ago, and that's what he told me - total wraparound darkly tinted glasses would allow someone in that circumstance to adjust. Without the goggles, it would be extremely unpleasant but not likely to be permanently blinding unless you accidentally looked directly at the sun.



Now... who's going to texture this sweet sweet M82?!?!?! :)

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It is my personal opinion that Wreckless is in fact, a super computer. Thank you for that post, however off topic, I started one similar but lacked the knowledge to combat most of his statements and gave up. (although the goggle thing and the wooden structures was part of it. There were trees still standing((or rather leaning)) near ground zero in hiroshima if im not mistaken). Anyways, I was wondering if anyone ever retextured the Barret from CoD4, and if that would be available on internets somewhere maybe? Or if there would be a legal way to take the textures from the CoD4 game and slap them on this model.(maybe if you changed it enough no one could tell O.o shhhhhhh.)
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hello again to all.


In past week i was made a good work, now i have a nice m82 model without scope and with oversized clip and size (it acts like a minigun with 15 rounds per shot). I was found original bozar sound and modify it to a good quality. And now i need REAL help with animation, cause i dont know how to do it :( If anyone can help - please contact me.

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I have a few ideas for locations of this weapon, in the white house, if used by the secret service then why wouldn't some ammo and at least one gun survive, an ammo factory that was badly damaged by blast,whose workers were turned to ghouls and the place is being raided by mercs (a good spot for easter egg as they could resemble left 4 dead characters, names and all) the ammo factory would have more ammo but is scattered and or limited (30-40 shells at max, it IS the factory so it should have a decent amount) and was used by the mercs (mercs are friendly towards character so them having some of those guns doesn't hurt unless your a jerk and decide to kill on your friends (could also lead to new companions), when talked to by the player they talk about the job at the next suggested place, the weapon factory and how they took what they could after killing ghoul workers), a factory that makes this weapon (but since your pals cleaned it, one or two badly damaged guns, some shells in main office and in factory weapon testing area for testing/display purposes but they weren't inactive display models), random shops and traders have a few on them to keep you using it, other government areas where they would logically be (i haven't explored all over yet (my new pc crashed but lucky for me its still under warranty and i didn't sell my old one yet (it even has problems) so i am not 100% sure on those locations, and also in Megaton and Wheaton Armory ammo would be excellent places for a gun or two and some ammo even if locked up.
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