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Looking for clothes.


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heyas Wolfskin!

if it was a mod that you downloaded from here on the nexus, there's a history of your downloads.

At the very top of the page https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4 You will see a link that says Mods V

Click on the arrow next to it, and it will drop a menu. From that menu, click on Download History. That will take you to a page that will take a minute or two to load up, but afterwards, will show you everything that you've downloaded.

Hope this helps :)

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Thank you for that.. I appreciate it. I found it and it was Sun's something. I may have got it from...some place else. I have over a 1000 mods I have downloaded and still finding new ones and updates. Of course I can't use it them ...I have a problem. Lol Edited by Wolfskin75
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Hey again Wolfskin.

Well, I'm glad that you found it again.

LOL yeah, some of those other sites, we just can't link to. "The sight that shall not be named" and all that stuff.

HAHA! Well, as an internet hoarder myself, I have over 30 gigs of mods stored/stashed away, just for fallout4. So yeah, I know that feeling ;)

No problem, and glad that you found it again.



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That may have been Sunjeongs Final Project, she has taken all mods down here and "the other place" too. Because of modders doing this I have started hoarding any mod I think I may use at a later time. You should be able yet to find youtube videos showcasing some of the clothing and see if that looks like what you had. I asked her if she might reupload it but it sounded like she wasn't so sure, fingers crossed.

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Agreed. Despite the start up date on this account, I've been around the nexus for quite a long time. I know how it is, about one day a mod may be here, the next...for whatever reason... it could be gone.

This was especially bad, when Bethesda started taking on mods for their games, on their site. People would convert and upload them to bethesda.net without asking for the author's permission, or without credit to them.

Or, when the conversion of the mods didn't work, they would credit the original author, blame them for the fact that it doesn't work, and then the thieves would tell them to go take it up with the author!

A lot of modders got ticked about that, (rightfully so) and just removed their mods from the internet altogether.


So yeah. While there's still a lot of mods that I haven't gotten around to downloading yet, when there's one that I really, really want, I download and tuck it away as fast as I can :D

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what I am attempting to do is make outfit that "Nora and Nate" may stored away... in a personal bunker or something. I am building them (bodystudio) and adding them to an ESP so my Main player with have unique outfits through out the game. I have a whole story I am trying to build and this is a piece later in the game. I hope I get it done. :) I am happy to find "pre war" looking clothing to add to my pile. Of course, then some of them are AWCKR... :( but I am also trying to rid my game of 50's esque imagery as well.

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I disagree but that is discussion for another thread. I don't think I would get it all but quite a significant portion could be removed and you would still have the same exact game. (Can't...resist...friendly...debate) I would only agree as far as that was definitely Bethesda view of Fallout. (Still friends right?) Edited by Wolfskin75
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