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BLOG PIECE: Nexus moderation system overhaul, etiquette and ethos


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-overly defensive post removed-


I'm not a white knight. I don't care enough. The Nexus doesn't need my protection. Even talking to the likes of you makes me look like an idiot for the attempt already. It's not worth my time. You aren't worth my time.

I really have to stop being so protective of others lately. I can already see myself end up with a knife in my stomach for preventing a street robbery next.


Ever since I became a member here many years back, actually far longer than my joined date shows, I was never disappointed so far.

While the new features mentioned here don't change it a lot from what it was, they still improve on the little important details. It's definitely yet another step forwards and I support it.

The more transparency the better it is. Thanks, Robin and staff, for maintaining such a nice and welcoming place throughout all the years.


While the Elder Scrolls community in general as of late might make me leave and stop sharing publically in the end, the Nexus will definitely be a place I'll stay around for longer. Thanks.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Hold on while I sift through the single-mindedness and arrogance. I'm sorry, but that truly is the case from my viewpoint.


"Has it ever come to your mind you're not opposing the Nexus staff here with your opinion but the majority of the community, more than 4.000.000 agreeing people? If not, then you're not worth my time, or others'."


Burden of proof. Says who 4,000,00 people agree, where do you get this idea? It isn't your place to speak for others, and in doing so you're trying to draw the illusion that your viewpoint is the majority, and strip anything else of credence, without having to provide any evidence, any basis, or any real facts. Ever read the story, "The Lottery"? Your post certainly made it come to mind.

"A lack of voices of dissent is a sure sign of tyranny."


"You people can claim all you want, with throw-away accounts on site or off-site in different forums. I know better. Reality proves you all wrong and liars. And that is the end of the story."


The world doesn't exist in black and white, and it should never, and I mean never, be an "Us vs. Them" mentality that is dominant. Reality? Who's reality? Yours? There is no single reality that is shared by everyone. Everyone is different, and holds different beliefs, that's alright. But some mindsets and beliefs should not be met with acceptance, and that threshold differs for everyone. Your thought process seems to invalidate any other viewpoints than your own, and potentially, in position of power or influence, borders on dangerous for others.

Edited by Anotherthrowawayaccount
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To the moderators act like gods bullshit:


I guess it is quite annoying if you have to read everyday again the same questions, everyday again someone makes a new threat before searching if there is already one existing belong to the topic, everyday again members breaking the rules.


So, we are intelligent enough to play the game, to download and install mods, but not to simply search if we have a question or follow these easiest rules this side has? No? C'mon, if you say so, you call yourself an idiot thereby.




I apologize for saying things as they are. You can use thousand words for saying something, and you can even use phrases as if you were a super intelligent person but the fact is that you still act as if you were a superintelligent person and so you have to deal with the fact that there are person with real intellect who see how you profile yourself and telling you this.

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Drake, your original post before you edited it kinda summed things up perfectly. Not from a chest-beating stand-point, but from a statistical stand-point. The people complaining are very much in the minority. I'm aware of that, yet I always get baited in to replying to these people :facepalm:
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sometimes its hard to contact a moderator, when you have a question you just pick one out of a hat and hope they reply back


I would like to see a "ask a moderator" forum thread, or button, hell I dont know..someplace you can go and leave a personal question and its available to any moderator and they can read your question and reply back in a "pm"


I know you can do the same in the forums, but some questions you just want to ask a moderator and the response time in the forums is a crapshoot, you have to hope a moderator surfs by your thread and decides to check out your comment


I posted this again as it was swallowed by a political debate

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+1 for DrakeTheDragon


for the original post a n d the edited one.


We can sit here all day and try to explain to Anotherthrowawayaccount that she is thinking wrong and why and so on.


But she will never undestand it


because in a way, she knows! She is just around to talk blablabla (again, if she is really a she I do not wonder about this, sorry, sometimes there are people around who confirm existing sterotypes) if I really think I am right, I do not make an account like Anotherthrowawayaccount and coming around telling the people just you are acting wrong, you are idiots, I dont like you.


This discussion will be endless. To make her shut up you have to shoot her an arrow in the knee, I guess xD

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That's the thing with obtaining accurate demographics, its not so cut and dry as members that complain vs. members that don't. I recall you were from the UK, so contrasting this with the United States isn't all that effective, its the best comparison I've got though. You get movements like Occupy Wall Street, those are similar to "these people" who critique the Nexus. Then you have the rest of the people. A good portion of them don't like how things work either, but they just keep living their lives, scraping by, doing what it takes to survive. It comes down to individual situations, philosophies, and personality types. You saying statistically more people are fine with the nexus than those who aren't, is no more valid than a politician saying most people are fine with the United States. No basis.


Too bad you're too far above "these people" to be bothered to defend your ideologies or even respond. I think I'm just about done with this conversation either way.



Not quite. Unfortunately, to respond to anything I have to fully homogenize what it is into my own mind, contrast it all to what I believe, form a bit of a cascade of reactions, and pick out the pieces I do or don't agree with, based on context. Its just how I work. Believe it or not, some of my own viewpoints are now an indirect result of your existence today.


If there is any other manner of functioning that leads to a complete picture, please do let me know.

Edited by Anotherthrowawayaccount
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That's the thing with obtaining accurate demographics, its not so cut and dry as members that complain vs. members that don't. I recall you were from the UK, so contrasting this with the United States isn't all that effective, its the best comparison I've got though. You get movements like Occupy Wall Street, those are similar to "these people" who critique the Nexus. Then you have the rest of the people. A good portion of them don't like how things work either, but they just keep living their lives, scraping by, doing what it takes to survive. It comes down to individual situations, philosophies, and personality types. You saying statistically more people are fine with the nexus than those who aren't, is no more valid than a politician saying most people are fine with the United States. No basis.


Too bad you're too far above "these people" to be bothered to defend your ideologies or even respond. I think I'm just about done with this conversation either way.


I still fail to see the relevance to anything you have had to say in regard to this 'thrown to to public' blog piece, other than my personal conclusion that you are simply a troll, out to... what? What trolls are always out for, of course.

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@Hickory Not quite. Unfortunately, to respond to anything I have to fully homogenize what it is into my own mind, contrast it all to what I believe, form a bit of a cascade of reactions, and pick out the pieces I do or don't agree with, based on context. Its just how I work. Believe it or not, some of my own viewpoints are now an indirect result of your existence today. If there is any other manner of functioning that leads to a complete picture, please do let me know.




Thanks, but I'll pass.

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