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BLOG PIECE: Nexus moderation system overhaul, etiquette and ethos


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I don't understand what all the fuss is about, In my personal opinion the Nexus sites are terrific, The Mod Authors are amazing and the sites are run really good by the Moderators.


My opinion is a simple rule of thumb 'If you don't like it, don't use it' there are other sites available on the Internet.


Well done Nexus, the Moderators and Mod Authors, keep up the good work

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well i seen this and i thought

HEY! here's my big opportunity to most likely get banned again, fun times!

but i gotta try, i been banned from the forums, so there aint nothin i can do there, why was i banned from the forums? ohh, well i seen at least half a dozen other guys go on rants on this page so i guess it my turn ;)

i am the same guy that's TennesseeVol, Senkino24sKLA and another account i forgot th name to

i joined ages back to download mods for new vegas as senkino24sKLA i got banned in probably jan'ry or feb'ry for makin fun of this guy's mod, mod about some fluro pink sword, i guess i made fun of him, had a laugh at his expense and such, i probly shoulda held my tongue, y'see i'm a fitter machinist apprentice, i'd just got home after work and some drinks, i'd been usin real bigass 240volt grinders all day, been doin some weldin too

well i thought that funny lookin sword looked just like the grinders... maybe i shouldna never said nothin but i figured, hell, it really aint that harsh is it? i cant have a lil fun with him?

well, i guess not, so i got banned, kinda went off the whole thing for awhile, finally sent a heartfelt apology, said i aint never gonna do that again etc. etc. etc. to y'all, waited a couple weeks, never heard back, well i figured i wouldnt, so i created a new account, and was banned again, maybe the same day? maybe a couple days later? i dont know why, i guess y'all saw my ip and got all on'ry bout it, so i got banned from the forums... i didnt really know what else to do, y'all were ignorin my apology, even though i was sure it was a mighty fine un' and i was banned from signin up cause y'all set it up so i gotta go through the forums, (smartasses) so i signed up, used my phone after maybe a month or two of waitin for an email or somesuch, didnt come and i used that TennesseeVol account up til y'all banned me again, a few weeks back, i got banned cause i mentioned i got banned before and i mighta called the moderators nazis in a conversation with a guy, i thought maybe y'all'd had forgotton, or forgaven maybe? guess not, got banned, but not just banned my mod manager cant connect (ip trickery no doubt) cant download etc. etc.

y'know i made one mistake once, i do my best to endorse these mods, try to hand out advice when i can, compliments for good work etc. try to do right by the website, i didnt swear, insult nobody, done no wrong but that first mistake, which i done my best to right.... i know im not supposed to create new accounts but what was i to do? could ya blame me?

am i really the troublemaker kind ya speak of? people y'all dont want? really?

look all im askin is for a way to get in the good again, that game dont work (Skyrim/Vegas) and the only way im really gonna fix it is to retrace my steps, i understand y'all dont need me, all im askin for is a bit of compassion, give me a way and ill do what ya say

i messed up once, and im truly sorry, if not for the joke i made, the sin i done but for the consequences its had on me

im puttin this here cause i figure it might get some attention, seein as how i cant send it no other way

what can i do to get in the right with y'all?

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i messed up once,


From what you have written here, no you didn't, you messed up over and over again.


and im truly sorry,


Again, going on what you have written here, the only thing you are sorry for is the fact that you got yourself banned and now can't use the sites.

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@ Hickory

sure, i'm sorry i got banned, i made a mistake and i regret it, honestly i dont see nothin wrong with it, i am completely open, truthful and repetent for what i done, all i'm lookin for is a way out, do ya honestly think i'd do it again?


Honestly? Why wouldn't I? You've already admitted to messing up over and over again, and here you are claiming to be circumventing a ban... *again*. Rules are rules, and (unless you're simply baiting) you have no respect for them.

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you the real fire and brimstone type huh? no mercy

i told ya, i'm sorry for what i done, i tried to right it, and i got no answer, what was i to do, wait til the cows come home for a email? i still never got that email, i cant send another, so what would ya have suggested mr hickory?


You already made your mistake by once again creating another account. Banned again - TVD.

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I like this change. Hopefully this marks more leniency in the rules, since I've seen certain posts get users perma-banned that I don't personally feel warranted it. I feel like the rules were made strict to the point of simply being strict based on principle, often going overboard and, at times, mods seemed to be trying to humiliate or degrade trolls and the like (which really just lowers ones-self to their maturity level in turn).


Hopefully this marks a more reasonable approach to rules, since, realistically, few people are willing to read the TOS of a site (it's like bashing someone for breaking a minor infraction on iTunes' TOS because they didn't read the 60-page doctrine on how you would approach the program in the first place).


Overall, my main concern was with posting. A major push factor from me being active in the community is the "one-and-done" approach. Since I don't feel like being IP-banned, I like to keep quiet and download mods, and even this comment is typed with some hesitation. Yes, 4.7 million users are great, but a lot more activity would probably be seen in the forums if people didn't have the constant threat of banning looming over them.


Of course, this is my opinion, some people wish to be complete hard-asses, others let users run wild, and me, I prefer a moderate approach to..well, moderation! At the very least, thanks for the additional transparency even if little leniency is offered. It is nice to see proof so it doesn't look like mods are being abusive.

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A fluro pink sword you say. What may look stupid or funny when you first look at it, it is not so and let me explain why.

1. People have different tastes - maybe that's how he and others like it.

"De gustibus non disputandum".

2. Maybe he is an apprentice modder and for him painting that sword pink or what ever was a way to learn things. Can you make a pink sword?!

3. There are many kinds of modders some are masters in one or more domains like moddeling, texturing, programing, CS or CK and so on. Others know some of this, some of that, others try to learn new things and so on. Never judge just because it looks stupid or funny to you. Think if you can do that "stupid" thing.

4. All mods are here for free and most have a lot of work behind them, work that otherwise you would have to pay for. So always respect that!

5. If you don't like something move on. There are ways for mods to be recognised as being good, excellent and so on. There is no need for rude, unnecessary comments.

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