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BLOG PIECE: Nexus moderation system overhaul, etiquette and ethos


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My only complaint would be I feel that a lot of moderately successful mods (50-200 endorsements) really get buried after they leave hot files. I think like a "random mod" feature with a few filters would be spectacular.


A while back, there was talk of free banner ads for mod authors. Basically, anyone who wanted their mod to be seen after the initial New File / Hot file golden period could create a banner ad for it which will be displayed randomly among others' banner ads. Hopefully, work on fixing the site issues will be completed soon and Robin will implement this. :)


Random mods are also an idea that I support, though there doesn't seem to be any plans for it yet. Maybe in future there will be. :)

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I know some mod authors have put banner-links to their other mods on the description pages of their own mods...

I'd love to see something like that formally implemented where mod authors can have banners to related mods (mostly their own, but some from other players) automatically put up somewhere on the screen.


I'm one of those calm, reasonable and supportive people who agrees that the strict policies of the nexus make it the fantastic place it is :) when I'm downloading a mod, it's with the comfort that the mod is 100% legal and that it's all but certainly virus and malware free. that's a real tangible sense which I just don't get on other sites with lower standards.

We've got a commitment to a standard of behaviour and such which puts us a cut above the rest.


Thank you very much to the mod team, you guys make this place a wonderful place to hang out :)

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A really great system jsut got even better.


I remember about a yar ago (right aftre skyrim was released). I was doing a sweep in the coment field to report torenters. An of hand coment that could indicate that i had torented myself got me banned in less than 5 minutes.

I even had to provide screenshots from steam (and the cover of the game) to get the ban lifted. It was all my mistake, but it really proves how effective the moderators are. And now they made it even better!

There's just one way to describe it; AWESOME!


found the old forum post: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/554946-dartmaul15-reinstated/


Edited by dartmaul15
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For people like me who are totally inept when it comes to modding yet so in love with mods its comforting to have a site that doesnt slap you so hard that you want to cry when and if you ask a dumb question. Iv been on other forums that seems ruled by angry teens that can really put down the hate. No one need that kind of aggrevation nor do they (in most cases :-D) deserves it. So keep up the good work Nexus team. You have been a trusted companion since my wife introduced me to Oblivion back in 2004-05
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I used to be an admin on a Minecraft server a few years ago, and I can remember what a pain it was when we started being required to document bans. I commend the Nexus for actively taking steps towards being a more transparent system. Edited by gutlessVADER
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@dartmaul15 I hope in the future all Nexus users wouldn't have to provide their credit card information and screenshots from Steam to get the right to create accounts. The presumption of innocence y'know [via unless proven guilty]
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As a player who likes his cRPGs but is totally inept at creating custom content, Nexus' series of sites is a godsend.


However, this post and several others that Dark0ne has posted has made it clear how much thought and effort has gone into supporting and updating the infrastructure of Nexus.


The move towards greater transparency is much appreciated.

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Account sharing is not allowed at all - one account per person. I'd recommend her having her own account.


And then he gets banned for multi accounts instead? :whistling:


Anyway, thanks for enforcing the rules. It certainly beats the LoL community where the most common way to disagree with a statement is by calling the poster a "retard" or "f@&#!t" and you can't play 3 matches in a row without someone threatening to go afk or bleep your mother.


Makes you forget there are normal mature people on the internet too.

Edited by EnaiSiaion
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Good move. There are some "horror stories" among the hardcore modders and the Nexus gets a bit of stick online. I've seen a few well ... overzealous actions taken myself. This should help everyone and everything really, and it's good to see it done so openly as the Nexus sites really are the best place to get your mods. Respect :)
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