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Noob Question - How to make weapons/armor show up in Workbenches?


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I'm not sure I understand. What I mean is - I have mods that add weapons and armor that can't be edited in the in-game workbenches. For example, a mod-added set of Knuckles that just doesn't show up in the weapons workbench, so I can't add a legendary or add spikes to it or anything. Is it possible to change that? Or is it alot more complicated than I think it is?

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If it doesn't show up, it means it has no changable parts. You'd have to add those manually using either CK or xEdit. It's not complicated if you're familiar with the proces. Otherwise well yea it can be a bit complicated.


Armor is mostly handled by adding the correct keywords. But you also have to set the default values of all slots.


Weapons have attachment slots and then need a reference to the correct modification. If they do not exist in game then you'd probably have to set a blank nif file or you're going to be adding parts from other weapons.

Edited by AeonsLegend
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Heyas LL!

That is correct that it sounds as tho the mods you're talking about, weren't made with any attachments that can be added to them. Thus, they don't show up in the list of available items to work on in a crafting station.

I know how to do it. But describing it, is kinda hard.

First, you have to create the item that you're gonna attach to the weapon. In a lot of cases, you can steal that from a similar weapon that is already in the game, by Right Clicking on it, in the list on the left side panel in Xedit, and choosing to Export it as a New entry, NOT as an Override. Then assign a new name to it, and it will copy the record into your custom or mod esp file.

Then, you have to craft a recipe for it, which you can also do the same as I just mentioned.

Then, you have to go into the weapon, and add the keywords for those mods to the weapon itself. That can be tedious.


The simpler version of it, is to make a new item of a weapon that already has all of that set up. Essentially "stealing" the original vanilla weapon as a new file. Via the right click method that I mentioned before.

Then you just have to thru and copy the information for the name and whatnot into the mod weapon that you're wanting to throw the upgrades onto.

Best way of doing that, is to have both the fallout4.esm and "whatevermod.esp" both open in Xedit.

Single click on the weapon's name in the left side panel, while holding down the CTRL key.

Once it's highlighted, scroll down the list, and open the weapon entry from the whatevermod.esp while holding down the CTRL key.

Now RIGHT click on it. And if you did it right, there will be an option Compare Selected (2). (If it's not there, you didn't do it right. But don't feel bad, it take a bit of practice. Xedit is finicky that way!)


Once you have both of them open in the right hand panel, you can literally just drag and drop stuff from one item, to the other. Now in some cases, you have to add new entries to the esp, so that you can drag them over. This is a right click, and choose ADD. But, you have to do it in the right spot.


Using this method, once you have the new weapon set up with all the old modded weapon's information, you then just delete that mod weapon's Weapon entry from the esp.

I wish I had the game installed on this computer, so that I could show you screenshots. Sorry about that LL :sad:

Edited by StormWolf01
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