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My Fallout Story and Why: *spoilers*


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Nobody mentioned that you cannot actually put a child and parent into the same freeze pods due to different physiology. That really bothered me. Also the fact that Nate/Nora doesn't let go of the child after being defrosted. That makes no sense. His cognitive functions should be close to 0 when waking up, same for the PC. Waking up after being 200 years on ice and then start running around... yea. BS. It's all complete BS. Like what I said on the Skyrim forums years and years ago. 99% of the people exiting the Vault would die within minutes by being killed by a Raider. Because no one and absolutely no one (unless you're a frikking insane mass murdering psychopath) would fire the first bullet. Who would ever assume that, coming form a peaceful time where people walk on the streets without weapons you'd get shot 10 feet away from where you first lived. We only do this because the NPC is marked "Raider" and has a red bar, meaning "enemy".


Let alone the fact that even before entering the Vault people are standing there LOOKING at a nuclear explosion, without any eye damage.


Immersion is a mumbo jumbo term people use so they can feel more comfortable with playing the game. It doesn't equate to common sense, unless you have little of that of course. And common sense doesn't include understanding weapons as a trained individual does. So different weapon handling, reloads and aiming mods that are called "immersive" have nothing to do with common sense, but actual specific knowledge that only a few people have.


Being immersed also has nothing to do with realism. You can be completely immersed in a sci fi game with nothing to do with realism.

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Ah, but, this is fallout, and operates under the rules of SCIENCE!...... So, the actually mechanics of the whole process, we know nothing about. We, in the real world, don't have this technology yet. We are not even close.... so, trying to base assumptions on 'reality', when the reality doesn't exist, really doesn't work for me. :)


I agree though, that most anyone else coming from the vault, wouldn't last five minutes..... The player though, goes first to Sanctuary, and is kinda/sorta/almost warned by Codsworth that the folks in Concord aren't exactly 'nice' people..... and the gunfire you hear as you approach should be a dead giveaway as well. :D


And yep, if you can see the bomb go off, and you WATCH it go off, you are pretty much dead. Your eyes will be melted right out of your head, and the radiation exposure has a pretty high likelihood of killing you, shortly before the overpressure from the blast wave does. And then the fireball following shorty behind...... Essentially, the platform should have brought down a bunch of smoking corpses..... if that much.

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Codsworth don't recognize the character even this robot survive for 200 years!!! We must speak to Codsworth and only then, the robot said all things must said, and this is no normal. Thing like that and many others, show that Fallout 4 don't know a clue, about real life or as, AeonsLegend said, real people don't know to use all those guns. Fallout 4 can be much much more, if the company made it, want from the start to give a unique product and not something with bugs and restrictions.

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Codsworth don't recognize the character even this robot survive for 200 years!!! We must speak to Codsworth and only then, the robot said all things must said, and this is no normal. Thing like that and many others, show that Fallout 4 don't know a clue, about real life or as, AeonsLegend said, real people don't know to use all those guns. Fallout 4 can be much much more, if the company made it, want from the start to give a unique product and not something with bugs and restrictions.

Well, ya gotta consider Beths motivations. They want a game that will have a wide appeal, so it can't be real complicated. And 'realism' doesn't even register on their scale of what it important. It needs to look pretty, and sell well. That is ALL they care about.

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