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Planetside 2


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Has anybody played this one yet? It's F2P and looks like it could be pretty good fun with the massive BF style combat. Only thing that has me worried is I know you can pay to purchase upgrades and whatnot, I just hope it isn't like Tribes Ascend where you could basically pay to win. I've heard it's not as good as the original, but having never played it I figured I might as well give this one a shot.
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I'm playing it. Most of the stuff you can buy are "side-grades" rather than upgrades. However, you can buy certain things that make your tanks and aircraft more rounded for other roles, which is an advantage. For instance, the rocket pods for aircraft to kill tanks cost 1000 certs, or you can buy them for 700 SC. 1000 certs is ALOT of time, so paying can give you an advantage.
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Planetside 2 is far worse then tribes in terms of the business model. In tribes it took a while to unlock stuff with xp, but not too long.


If you think it took a long time to unlock stuff in Tribes you will hate Planetside 2.


In PS2 you can play for a few days and only have around 50 certs. You need 750 for the cheapest stuff last I checked. You need certs to unlock everything, including class upgrades, weapons, and vehicle mods.


Also you need a top tier computer to run it at reasonable FPS and you can only change the options in game which are rather limited.


The fov is capped at 74, which is pretty horrible for a PC game. Also can not change that in the ini file.

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As far as certs and SC (the paid-for currency) is concerned, you can't use SC to buy upgrades for your character, you can only use SC to buy "side-grades", like more guns. Apart from the aforementioned aircraft gun upgrades, they're all side-grades. I still use the stock-gun on 3 of the classes as I find them much better than any of the side-grades I bought in the beta.
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Just spent the past 2 hours owning Esamir and captured the whole continent. I ensured my platoon stayed camping right outside the TR Warpgate with a team of burster maxes and repairing/rearming engineers while 2 other platoons worked on capturing the NC and TR territories we didn't already hold. Was awesome coordinating with other platoon leaders who've bothered to spec up their squad leader cert tree. Most fun I've had so far in the month or so I've been playing the game. Felt like Churchill and Patton rolled in to one while bagging myself over 250 certs in the past 2 hours in the process. Taking down Galaxies with 12 people in them kinda does that for you.
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Sounds fun, but the "grind to win" mechanic just seems overly done with FPS games. While it is important that people know how to play and spend a good amount of time learning the ropes, this sort of thing inevitably leads to playstyles aimed solely at gaining as much exp or whatever as possible per round with the least effort just so that they can unlock everything and quit the game.


Depending on the matchmaker setup this can lead to extremely bad situations since you can potentially have high-ranked players who's only redeeming skill is to stand in the backfield and point out enemy locations.

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Really not liking how this game gives you next to zero explanation of what you should be doing, and just drops you (literally) in the middle of the fighting.


Very disorientating trying to figure it out while getting shot at.

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