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ESP compatibility with pre-1.10.162 runtime


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I am working on a mod and was having someone with an older runtime of the game test a feature for me. They said the game would fail to load while my plugin was active, which is indicative of a header mismatch since Iâm building with the latest CK and 1.10.163 runtime.


Changing the header version from 1.0 to 0.95 did not alleviate the problem.


Anyone got a solution to make an ESP made with the newest toolset work on older installs? Or should I tell them to suck it up and update?



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I'm really not sure if this makes a difference or not. But I've never seen a header version that was just 4 digits long. I've always seen it with six digits after the decimal. EX- 1.000000 (six zeroes)

0.950000 (95 + 4 Zeroes = 6 Digits)

While I do know that in some portions of the esp/esm/esl files, that the string of numbers each carries a different value. As some of them are hex strings. Tho I do not know if the header is like that or not.


If it's not a matter of the header, is it possible that your mod has a dependancy that they do not have? Such as a mod that requires a DLC?


BTW- Congrats on the release of your latest mod. It looks pretty cool! :)

Edited by StormWolf01
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That's the rub. The user mentioned the game failed to load, not skipped the mod during load. Removing the mod from being active allowed the game to load again. Even with an altered header file. My personal opinion is "update your stuff", and I'm not going to make them go out of there way to run a patcher.



I'm really not sure if this makes a difference or not. But I've never seen a header version that was just 4 digits long. I've always seen it with six digits after the decimal. EX- 1.000000 (six zeroes)

0.950000 (95 + 4 Zeroes = 6 Digits)

While I do know that in some portions of the esp/esm/esl files, that the string of numbers each carries a different value. As some of them are hex strings. Tho I do not know if the header is like that or not.


If it's not a matter of the header, is it possible that your mod has a dependancy that they do not have? Such as a mod that requires a DLC?


BTW- Congrats on the release of your latest mod. It looks pretty cool! :smile:

Thanks! I'm honestly surprised no one had thought to do it previously.


As for the header version numbers. xEdit automatically fills in the 0s. I'm just lazy when I type sometimes and didn't think it was necessary to put in all the 0s in chat. There are also no hard requirements other than the usual Fallout4.esm. The ESP/ESL has one record in it, which is a quest that applies a script to a RefCollectionAlias that is linked from the ActiveCompanions. And Dogmeat is handled separately. Because of course he has to be.


The real reason I was having someone with an older install test was to see if the xSE plugin I wrote would be version agnostic since I wasn't requiring the use of address pointers for vanilla functionality. Kind of like how Achievements.dll is version agnostic. I guess I'll find out when the next CC update drops.

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Since that amateur-hour unannounced non backwards compatible platform update, all of my new mods and mod update file downloads have had to carry a warning like:


Update 008: See changelog on nexusmods.com. Requires Fallout4.exe updated to (or later). Use update 003 in old files if stuck on an older Fallout4.exe version

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Since that amateur-hour unannounced non backwards compatible platform update, all of my new mods and mod update file downloads have had to carry a warning like:


Update 008: See changelog on nexusmods.com. Requires Fallout4.exe updated to (or later). Use update 003 in old files if stuck on an older Fallout4.exe version

Just out of idle curiosity.... (I seem to have a lot of that....) Did that update also trash the cc content with the (now) wrong version? Did beth just cut their own throats?

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Since that amateur-hour unannounced non backwards compatible platform update, all of my new mods and mod update file downloads have had to carry a warning like:


Update 008: See changelog on nexusmods.com. Requires Fallout4.exe updated to (or later). Use update 003 in old files if stuck on an older Fallout4.exe version

That's likely what I'll end up having to put out there as well. But I'll wait for a couple "this isn't working" posts first.



Just out of idle curiosity.... (I seem to have a lot of that....) Did that update also trash the cc content with the (now) wrong version? Did beth just cut their own throats?



Not that I've seen. The DLC ESMs and the CC content are still showing older modify dates. Of course that doesn't necessarily mean they didn't open the headers and make the version changes. Which would potentially not change the modify date stamps. At least xEdit doesn't change the date stamps when you use it to change header information. The only Bethesda files I've seen stamped with a new date would be Fallout4.esm, -Interface.ba2, -Materials.ba2, -Meshes.ba2, -Misc.ba2, and -Startup.ba2. And this was all likely updated specifically for the VR Workshop update.

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